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EA SPORTS: NBA LIVE 15 "Visuals Trailer" - 10 years agoNBA LIVE 15 "Visuals Trailer" - focuses on the visual upgrades the NBA LIVE Dev Team have addressed in the upcoming version of the game (Lead Editor / Compositor: Joey Morelli = Audio artist: Rob Reinbolt):by grafixjoe - Show and Tell Re: Canvas is white when paused - 11 years agoyeah...sometimes we hit a quick key / key combo that triggers something weird. I still do that all the timeby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Reducing Moire in Animated Stills - 11 years agoI do a lot of this for clients that cannot afford to shoot...but I break stills up into layers to give them "life". My experience is: I don't do this sort of animation in FCP - always After Effects - and rendering moving pics progressively never flickers like that as long as you stay progressive through all the steps. (Interlacing is a terrible terrible disease of otherwise pretty pictuby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Reducing Moire in Animated Stills - 11 years agoHey Chuck...I could probably tell you more after seeing all of your "encoding and uploading" settings.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Seasons Greetings! - 11 years agoMerry Christmas. Back to updating the reel. Love & bookings to you allby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th - 11 years agoPremiere is gonna FLY on this thing. Oops sorry Loren - wrong forumby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th - 11 years agoWhen you watch this, you will FIND THE $$$ for this machine (and this was done with the 8-Core which is $1500 LESS)...Oh boy...FCPX / 4K RED RAW with 18 effects playing back in REALTIME *drool * (watch the video on the bottom of this article):by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th - 11 years agoNew loaded MacPro: 12-Core / 64 GB RAM / 1 TB FLASH Drive / Dual AMD FirePro D700 GPUs with 6GB of GDDR5 VRAM each / Applecare = $9858 + 7% (Florida) tax ($690.06) = $10,548.06 out the door with free shipping. Mouse & keyboard not included.by grafixjoe - Café LA MacPro orders start tomorrow...December 19th - 11 years agoLadies & Gentlemen...start your wallets: "We have begun manufacturing the Mac Pro in Austin. It’s the most powerful Mac ever. Orders start tomorrow." ~ Tim Cook on Twitter this morning 10:48 AM - 18 Dec 13by grafixjoe - Café LA EA SPORTS: NBA LIVE 14 "ESPN Presentation" - 11 years agoEditor / Compositor: Joey Morelli Audio Artist: Rob Reinboltby grafixjoe - Show and Tell Re: EA SPORTS: NBA LIVE 14 "Official LIVE Season & CourtQ Trailer" - 11 years agoPretty ridiculous tech . These people I work with should be designing & building rockets to Mars - these guys are brilliantby grafixjoe - Show and Tell EA SPORTS: NBA LIVE 14 "Official LIVE Season & CourtQ Trailer" - 11 years ago245,000+ views since November 6th release Editor / Compositor: Joey Morelli Audio Post: Rob Reinboltby grafixjoe - Show and Tell Re: OSX Mavericks + FCP 7? - 11 years agoAE broke - Adobe released a patch for Mavericks. Avid is NEVER up to speed with the latest OS so that's no surprise. It won't be long now...FCP 7 will just stop working with new OS's. FWIW, I am waiting (like Mr. Horton says...give it a couple 'O weeks).by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoMinimize it all you want strypes...it sux hard. Don't like autopay - never did (especially being forced into it: autopay or don't use the CC software). This is why. Well...I got the dreaded email this morning from Adobe that my information was among those 2.9 million users compromised. Cancelled card / changed adobe password. I contacted Adobe to cancel CC...they want to charge me the 50% ofby grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoAdobe servers HACKED - 2.9 MILLION user's private information & credit card numbers compromised. Anyone else sorry they handed their credit card to Adobe for the CC membership autopay?by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Slightly OT: AE Tracker2Mask - 11 years agoI have already posted a request Kevin: Eliminate forced monthly payments with a cancellation penalty (especially for loyal users of 10 years or more)by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Shooting with video projection on cyc -- Potential problems/stuttering - 11 years agoWow...that changes things a bit If everything is progressive, you should not have any issues.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Shooting with video projection on cyc -- Potential problems/stuttering - 11 years agoSounds liks talking head / locked down camera...why not shoot greenscreen / solid cyc, key it out and put those backgrounds in post? You will have much more control over all imagery.by grafixjoe - Café LA EA SPORTS: NBA LIVE 14 "First Look Trailer" - 11 years agoMy latest project just went LIVE (Lead Editor / Compositor / MoGraph Designer): NBA LIVE 14 "First Look Trailer" - over a quarter million views since release on September 18th (300,000+) ("IGNITE" logo open: Modus Operandi / Audio Artist: Rob Reinbolt)by grafixjoe - Show and Tell Re: Slightly OT: AE Tracker2Mask - 11 years agoI just jumped on the CC bandwagon...as much as I dislike the (ONLY) payment option, I simply MUST HAVE these amazing tools. They got me.by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Slightly OT: AE Tracker2Mask - 11 years agoOK then...enjoy Adobe CC "Mask Tracker": video:by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Slightly OT: AE Tracker2Mask - 11 years agoYou don't need this. mocahAE (that comes free with AE) should be used for tracking shapes. You simply copy the data to the clipboard and paste it to a NULL in AE. That null then can be the parent to your mask. You can also copy the SHAPE DATA to the clipboard, in AE make a white solid layer and paste the SHAPE DATA to that, now you can now use this SHAPE DATA layer as an Alpha Matte. mochaAE aby grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Animated map in FCP? - 11 years agoThe line is way too light. Had to play it a few times to find it. It needs to be a bright color in contrast to the map (which is why most people use bright RED)by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoBingo Walter. I won't be putting all my eggs in the basket of a company that does not need their software to effect their bottom line...which is why I won't go to FCPX, period. Adobe and AVID have too much to lose so they need to keep the updates / features coming. I have come to realize very painfully that Apple is like the "Costco" of software developers...when app buying slows, ofby grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoYes I would...but I usually upgrade every other year. Now I am forced to keep an "open tab" signing annual commitments. I do not like annual contracts...like owning my iphone. Contracts suck no matter how you spin it / rationalize it.by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoThey worded it "Annual Commitment Billed Monthly". I really resent being on the hook with Adobe like this. I really need that After Effects / Cineware relationship so I am forced to do this. I resent it.by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoI didn't realize it until today. Everyone was telling me you can "quit anytime"...WHICH YOU CAN'T.by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoI am battling it out with an Adobe Rep (in India) on Chat right now...seems that you DO have to sign an Annual Commitment if you want the INDIVIDUAL COMPLETE PLAN @ $49.99 per month and you cannot quit at anytime without PAYING A FEE...otherwise you have to pay $74.99 per month. You have to renew the annual commitment every year if you want that price or you are paying $74.99 per month with no caby grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: The Trouble with Dalets - 11 years ago...and it's "Daleks" when referring to "The Doctor"by grafixjoe - Café LA |