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Re: Anyone running Premiere CC 14 on a new iMac? - 10 years agoThanks, Jude. By "cards" are you referring to the Nvidia GPUs in the iMacs vs the AMD Fires in the MPro? JVKby John K - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Anyone running Premiere CC 14 on a new iMac? - 10 years agoHey all, About to set up our editing bays for a new show, thinking of buying one new (trashcan) Mac Pro and 2x 27" retina iMacs with Thunderbolt RAIDs all around. The iMacs will be strictly for the editors (Canon MXF footage) and the Mac Pro will be the finishing/After Effects station. Anyone using a new retina iMac (not 5k) with PPCC14 who can relate their experience? I've heard goodby John K - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: FCP7 and Yosemite - 10 years agoNick Meyers Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You can turn that translucency off in system > prefs, but unexpectedly it's found in the > accesibility section. > (Or so I've read) Thanks Nick, I'll check that out! Very weird they hid that in the Accessibility pane; the option to make the menu bar transparent used to be in the Display prefs. Thereby John K - Café LA FCP7 and Yosemite - 10 years agoHad a spare laptop laying around so decided to install Yosemite to see what got broken by the update. Surprise surprise, FCP7 still works. I only did a quick test -- 2 Canon 7D clips, a wav file and a render+playback -- but it seems to be running fine. Compressor also launches. Motion 4, however, is dead. The dock icon had a big slash through it and it said it would not run under the OS.by John K - Café LA SCSI RAID disappears, won't mount - 10 years agoI have a MacPro 1,1 with a G-Tech SCSI Raid (lvl 5) and ATTO PCIe adapter card, which has been running pretty solid for years now. Today, just before a meeting I went to plug in an HDMI cable into the Blackmagic Intensity card (mounted 2 slots below the ATTO SCSI card) so I could play a few video files off the RAID onto a monitor. Then really weird things started to happen. The Blackmagic cardby John K - Café LA Re: unable to locate the following external devices HDV (1440 x1080) 30p - 10 years agoIt's looking for an HDV capture device, yet that doesn't seem to be in any of the startup prefs. Weird. Are you asking because the capture device that you WANT to have loaded is not being found? Or is it just that this is a worrying message and you want to make sure everything is okay? If it's the latter then you can just dismiss it and/or trash the prefs. HTH, JVKby John K - Café LA Best method for syncing audio and video when timecode MATCHES? - 10 years agoJust shot a project on the C300 and the sound guy (bless his heart) ran timecode into the camera from his equipment. So the TC on the clips (with scratch audio) matches the TC on the multitrack audio clips. So is there a simple method for replacing all the clip audio on a timeline, other than just matching it by hand and relinking the tracks? I know that will go quick but I'm just making sure theby John K - Café LA Original Matrox MXO A/V unit, $100 OBO - 10 years agoI'm selling the original Matrox MXO video display device, in good condition with box and all cables. This is not an MXO2 unit -- it has no inputs, only DVI and component/SDI out. What it does is take a DVI signal from your video card and convert it to an interlaced video signal for monitoring on an approved computer monitor. You can calibrate your monitor and have a fairly accurate HD image toby John K - lafcpug Market Re: ProApps Codecs 1.0.5 - 10 years agoI still have a MacPro 1,1 running Lion and the ProApps update only comes up under 'Software Update' and not the App Store (this is before they rolled those two things together); I think I'll avoid it on that system for now.by John K - Café LA ProApps Codecs 1.0.5 - 10 years agoHas anyone who is running FCP7 on a Mavericks system downloaded this latest ProApps update? It says its for FCPX/Motion 4/Compressor 4; don't want to mess my system if they're not needed for v7 (also running Premiere CC on this system btw) JVKby John K - Café LA Editing workflow advice, 2 cam Reality show - 10 years agoHi all, About to start cutting a new Reality show, would love some tips and advice on workflow going forward especially in regards to working with a team of segment producers and assistant editors. The show is shot two camera (don't know which ones yet; pilot presentation I'm editing now was dual 7Ds) with separate sound. My initial workflow was to transcode everything and sync productionby John K - Café LA Re: OT: advice on upgrades/workflow for 2014 - 11 years agoThanks all! I'm thinking a test drive of X is in order soon, and I have one extra machine at home I can put Mavericks on to test it with. Do you guys think FCP X will run OK an old dual-core iMac? Otherwise I'll need to upgrade a laptop to throw it on there… I think it's obvious that my tower is the thing holding me back due to it's age and limitations. We don't have the budget for the laby John K - Café LA Re: OT: advice on upgrades/workflow for 2014 - 11 years agoJude Cotter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What is it that's making you unhappy with > Premiere? It could be tweaking some settings or > workflow issues could clear up your reticence. If > you are going to buy new software, it might as > well be more CC licenses as FCPX or anything > else. If it was just the 2-3 of us in the shop doingby John K - Café LA OT: advice on upgrades/workflow for 2014 - 11 years agoHey all, looking for advice on re-structuring our current setup for the most efficiency and flexibility for the next few years. What we have has worked for us so far but all of our gear is getting old now and with the impending "death" of FCP7 we're in a bit of a gray area; I'm not sure what to hold on to and what to upgrade. Any thoughts/wishlists/ideas appreciated. Everything fromby John K - Café LA Re: Applying graphics between foreground and background in FCP 6 - 11 years agoSome ideas to help you get started: 1. Drag the clip into the Motion timeline, then duplicate it so there is another copy above it. Then turn off visibility on the top copy. 2. Insert the graphic into a new layer in-between those layers. Animate it if necessary. 3. Turn the top layer back on and use the pen tool to make a mask around the subject you want in front of the graphic. Start onby John K - Café LA Re: Applying graphics between foreground and background in FCP 6 - 11 years agoRay, if I understand you correctly you want to composite a mid-ground element into a shot, between a foreground subject (person) and background objects. There a few ways to do this but FCP isn't the tool for the job; you need to use After Effects or Motion. It may involve an animated mask or full rotoscoping of the foreground subject, depending on the amount of movement and the degree to which thby John K - Café LA Re: Easy fix for tricky exposure? - 11 years agoWhat's the skin smoothing thing called. Is > that part of the standard suite? > No, it's usually a third-party plugin. Look at Red Giant 's Cosmo:by John K - Café LA Re: Easy fix for tricky exposure? - 11 years agoAre the highlights completely blown out, or is there some information left in those hot spots? It will mean the difference between trying to bring them closer to "normal" vs. just trying to knock them down a bit. Without seeing the footage it's hard to say if it will even work, but you could try a mask that is tracked to the hot spots and see if you can take down the highlights a bitby John K - Café LA Re: OT ?: Adding a client monitor - 11 years agoHey xavpil, Would the original MXO device work for you? It takes a DVI signal out from the Mac and plays back on an external DVI monitor, AND it has additional A/V outputs to go out to a 3rd monitor (HD-SDI, SDI, S-Video or composite). Again, the 2nd and 3rd monitors mirror each other. It has the added benefit of allowing you to "calibrate" the 2nd LCD monitor; there was a short listby John K - Café LA BR-D disc burning speeds - 11 years agoJust got my first Bluray burner (I know, right? What year is this?) and I was looking at getting some blank media. Is it still advisable to get lower-speed media (4x) to decrease the chances of making coasters, or are 6x discs pretty stable now? FWIW, I usually prefer inkjet-printable Verbatim discs in bulk so I'm looking at those. The burner is an OWC slimline, with Matshita guts. JVKby John K - Café LA Re: OSX Mavericks + FCP 7? - 11 years agoYes, thanks Loren! Anyone have a chance to test various plugins? JVKby John K - Café LA OSX Mavericks + FCP 7? - 11 years agoDid anyone dive in yet? Anxious to know if FCP7 is finally broken by an OS update.by John K - Café LA What encoding software are folks using for broadcast delivery? - 11 years agoHey all, Delivering our second broadcast spot and the delivery specs continue to astound me. Not only is every satellite/cable outlet asking for distinctly different files, but their posted specs don't often match up with what's available in Compressor/Adobe Media Encoder. (For example: most outlets want a "Closed GOP" as if it's a box you can check off in the settings, but no diby John K - Café LA Re: Export Problems Since Upgrading to Mountain Lion - 11 years agoNot sure exactly how you're Exporting (are you trying to 'Share' to these services via FCP7?) but it may be due to the system-wide account settings that Mountain Lion uses; if you go to the System Prefs, you'll see under 'Mail, Contacts & Calendars' that you can log in to various services there so that they're available to all applications.by John K - Café LA Quicktime 10 not liking .mp4s from AE - 11 years agoWe just finished a job in After Effects and rendered out as .mp4s (compressor: mp4v) and the files will not play in Quicktime 10.2. They will open fine in M Player, VLC, MPEG Streamclip but not Quicktime. Has anyone else seen this behavior? JVKby John K - Compressor - Media Compression and Conversion Assistant Editor PA gig, Colorado Springs - 11 years agoAny assistant editors near Colorado Springs? I'm heading a crew that's shooting an event from May 10-12, 2013 and I need someone to ingest and organize stuff as we shoot it in the field; you may need to come find us to swap out cards while we're working. Need someone highly organized and reliable, with own Mac laptop. Prefer you would use Final Cut Pro 7 to ingest footage and build timelines of cby John K - Jobs Re: Color hates ProRes 422? - SOLVED - 12 years agoFound the issue. It wasn't the codec per se; Color hates non-standard sizes when it gets ProRes material. A lot of my files were sized for DVCProHD, so the 1440x1080 size was the oddball. Regular DVCProHD material and full 1920x1080 ProRes files were fine. JVKby John K - Color Color hates ProRes 422? - 12 years agoHas anyone else come across this before? I just sent a FCP7 sequence to Color and half of my clips came out as solid green. I checked the original sequence in FCP and all of the problem clips were ProRes 422. There was a mix of DVCProHD files that had been transcoded to 422 and After Effects outputs that were 422; other clips that were ProRes 422 HQ or 4444 came through fine. I went back andby John K - Color |