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Re: I got some files on an exFAT drive - can i work with this ? - 4 years agoHi Dennis, i think my problem was perhaps due to the drive not being catalogued on my system at the time?? not sure, but it is working now. thanks for your input, nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA I got some files on an exFAT drive - can i work with this ? - 4 years agoI've just been given a drive with media i need for a doco there's a bit over 5TB of ProresLT - this is a big doco! I already have 6TB of media on another drive - this one formatted MacOS Extended, what I'm used to working with. I'll be accessing media off both drives constantly. will I be able to work with the new exFAT drive? what sort of problems might i expect ? ok - I've just spotteby Nick Meyers - Café LA Reprieve! - Retroactive lets you run Final Cut Pro 7 on Mojave or High Sierra. - 4 years agohttps://github.com/cormiertyshawn895/Retroactive/releases i haven't had a chance to use it myself, but a user on the 'Cow says its working well for them. i won't be changing my OS just yet, but it does give me more leeway with future hardware purchases. cheers, nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: HEEEEELP! FCP7 - 5 years agothe program SHOULD live in your applications folder. just saying... as for "a copy of the program as a back up" you kind of can't - there's enough bits n pieces of it in various places to make that pretty hard. i mean you could TRY just copying the app/s across to another system and see what happens. there's a few other things to copy that might make it work from your main syby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Standard Transitions Died - 5 years agogreat news ! glad you can move forward nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Standard Transitions Died - 5 years agohi there. yes, very odd. i would suggest trashing preferences, but you say you've done that. did you restore a saved set of preferences, or let FCP rebuild them from scratch? if you restored, try letting FCP rebuild. i also wondered about a couple of other things: -in the tiny RT menu (top left of timeline) is Play Base Layer Only ticked? -in your sequences settings there is a Renderby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Page peel transition - 5 years agodoes it look like this AFTER a render? probably, but i thought id ask to be sure. you possibly could do the same job as the Soft Edges filter by going into the motion settings of the images and dialing in a touch of edge feather in the "Crop" section. try that instead of the filter, see if you get the border, cheers, nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: fcp 7 export troubles - 5 years agohi Fran. what i do is export as a self contained quicktime. yes it's large, but it's a master. then i run that thru compressor, or mpeg streamclip, or more recently, resolve, to make an h264, or whatever. if you don't need that large master file, you can export from FCP as a reference movie. this really only saves you space if you've fully rendered the sequence. If you haven't, the rendby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: When outputting uncompressed video, some clips turn black. - 5 years agowith all your various exports of the problem sequence, do you have enough to build a whole one? can you just re-export the problem areas, then patch the black holes? another thought: can you export as Prores, rather than uncompressed? nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Using FCP7 on OSX 10.6.8 and then migrating project file to OSX 10.6.3. or 10.6.6 - 5 years agosorry for REALLY late reply. but don't worry, changing OS the way you describe will not be a problem at all, as far as FCP works. no doubt you've discovered that for yourself by now, but just thought i respond. cheers, nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: FCP Log&Transfer question - 5 years agooops sorry. simple solution, when you edit that footage in just lock all audio tracks i re-map the locking commands to something i believe to be better than the default: Control + keypad 1-8 lock/unlock tracks V1-8 Control + keypad 0 lock/unlock all V Control+Option + keypad 1-8 lock/unlock tracks A1-8 Control+Option + keypad 0 lock/unlock all V many times during the day, i'll lockby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: FCP Log&Transfer question - 5 years agohi Stefan, in the Log & Capture window, go to the Clip Settings pane, there's a check box there for audio you can turn off that should work cheers, nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Who's doing three displays from a 2013 Mac Pro? - 6 years agointeresting article, thanks nby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: What is the last OSX update that works with FCP 7? - 6 years agohi Joe, I'm pretty sure that High Sierra breaks FCP 7. Subsequent versions don't work with 32bit apps,which FCP7 is. (or so I've read) so last one to work is OSX12 Sierra but be aware that as move up from where you are now, more and more smaller things may stop working. cheers, nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Who's doing three displays from a 2013 Mac Pro? - 6 years agohi Loren "Apple Tech got back to me to confirm the active adapter was the engineers' recommendation. " after you told them? lol i still reckon a black magic box could be useful, especially if you have any interlaced footage. costs more than $17, though cheers, and happy new year nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Who's doing three displays from a 2013 Mac Pro? - 6 years agohi Loren, sorry I've no experience here... but could you not get by with 5 thunderbolt ports? also i'll ad that a little blackmagic mini monitor would get you nice broadcast pics to your LG (at the expense of a thunderbolt port) oh, hang on its 4k... well I imagine they've some 4k solution if that's what you need. cheers, nick PS: "Just to stay behind the times" - ha!by Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . . - 6 years agoa pleasure, John, im glad it all worked cheers, nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: A little job that I am willing to pay somebody to do . . . - 6 years agohi John, you won't need the entire hard drive, all you need to do is to e-mail a (zipped) copy of your project file. this is not a hard job, i could help you out how many projects are you talking about? nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Imported clips darkening - 6 years agoi need to do a lot fo frame exports from FCP so video converted to still i've done it before and lived with the darkening but IS there some way to get the images looking ok, other than some form of post-processing? they're going into Lightroom. nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: tif or jpg for photos used in video? - 6 years agohave you rendered? RT playback can look a bit wobbly nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: FCP7 / 2012 MacBook pro / G-RAID compatibility... - 6 years agoits just a drive, no software involved, as far as i can see. i don't see why it wouldn't work. nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: tif or jpg for photos used in video? - 6 years agohi Robert, in my experience, they can look a bit ragged. your best bet is to try them and see what you think. in your sequence settings, go to the video processing tab, and set "motion filtering " to best. im not sure how much that will help, but it can't hurt. BUT files that large (over 4000 pixels) might cause FCP to crash. it's not a definite thing, but it doesn't loveby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: blurred overlay like in iMovie How to? for motion - 6 years agoi don't think i'll be able to answer your question anyway, BUT the image you posted is still on your desktop! we can't see it here you need to upload it to an image hosting site, then post the link. cheers, nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: tif or jpg for photos used in video? - 6 years agoi guess the less compressed the image the better, so TIFFs would be preferable there. if you already have jpg files you wont get any more from them by converting to TIFF. what do you have? as for frame-size, if the images are VERY large, they can look bad in FCP, as its down-scaling can struggle . you would be better to reduce the frame size before you brought them into FCP, leaving enougby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Compressor - Strange Behaviour - 6 years ago"I'm getting dupe frames every 4 or 5th frame" well that certainly sounds like it's trying to convert from 23.976 to 29.97 have you tried Mpeg Streamclip? nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Best DCP conversion software from FCP output - 6 years agoreminds me of Mpeg Streamclipby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Best DCP conversion software from FCP output - 6 years agoDCP-o-matic is one i've heard of. a small independent cinema near me uses that i've taken quicktimes out of FCP to them, and their DCPs looked pretty much how the show looked to me at home. no idea what settings they used, my guess would be nothing special, just default, of course if helps if you can see the results! hang on, you're FCPX i thought that was getting DCP support? sorry iby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: FCP7 change background color - 6 years agomaybe my first sentence was confusing, the "Match Hue" controls probably won't do the job, but the "Limit Colour" controls (what i describe in detail) should do what you want "I want the subject isolated, background only affected." that's what it does, by targeting only the colour of the bg. if that colour happens to be in the fg subject, then you might bby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: FCP7 change background color - 6 years agosure you can use the color corrector for this. there are simple match-hue tools (an eye-dropper, white square, and white dot) but for completely changing one colour into another, you might need something a bit more powerful. basically you define a colour area using the "limit colour" controls, then adjust it to match the other colour. the simple color corrector is better forby Nick Meyers - Café LA Re: Transferring from Sony analog to FCP7 - 6 years agohi Loren. does the signal make it to some other monitor or tv? is the problem the deck or the signal? i also wonder if, as you are converting to DV anyway, you should record to tape, so as to have a more modern back-up. nickby Nick Meyers - Café LA |