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Re: Just curious about Avid/Adobe switchers and color correction. - 13 years agoWalter, have you done anything involving bring AAFs into Premiere, perchance?by Jeff Harrell - Avid Media Composer Re: The cost of plug-ins - 13 years agoWhen I built my time machine, that's not what I used it for. Just so you know. And by the way. Domesticated dogs? Yeah. You're welcome.by Jeff Harrell - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: The cost of plug-ins - 13 years agoYou mean PhraseFind, right? I read somewhere or other that it's a licensed technology, and Avid chose to pass on the gouging to which they're being subjected to just those customers who choose to be gouged, rather than spreading the gouging out into a thin, unpleasant paste and then making us all have a taste. That could just be a rumor, though.by Jeff Harrell - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Multiple formats - 13 years agoDefine "work." Can you get @#$%& into a format that you can edit into your timeline? Sure. Can you do it right without the proper tools? Of course not.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: The cost of plug-ins - 13 years agoYes, I've been talking to the Adobe guys. Like literally; they called me up one day a few weeks ago to chat. They've definitely got the right attitude. They have no misconceptions; they know that while their NLE has promise, it presently sucks out loud. They say they're working hard to change that, and I've no reason not to believe them. But it's a long road from Premiere CS5.5 to some hypotheby Jeff Harrell - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Multiple formats - 13 years agoThat's not that bad, actually. Taking the 24p stuff to 60i is trivial. Your 1080p24 material just needs to have pulldown added, and your 720p24 stuff needs to be upscaled first to 1080p24, then have pulldown added. Those are easy; any post house that does dubbings with standards conversion can do that for you. The NTSC stuff is going to look like complete and total ass no matter what you do. Sby Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: The cost of plug-ins - 13 years ago"Seamless" is putting too fine a point on it, in my opinion. I've relatively little experience with it, but the fact that the "replace with After Effects comp" feature doesn't put handles on is pretty much inexcusable. And RJ, the best way to think of media management in Premiere is that it doesn't have any. At all. Just banish the thought of media management from your mindby Jeff Harrell - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Have you used either of these RAID 5 enclosures? - 13 years agoThat, combined with the prevalence of compressed editing formats like DNxHD and such. It was a big deal back in the day when the largest hard drive you could buy was nine gigabytes, and you needed thirty-two of them to do uncompressed SD.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Multiple formats - 13 years agoThere's basically no situation in which you'd want to deliver a feature-length project at 30p. You'll have to get it converted to 24p for festivals, for distribution, whatever. So double-triple-check that 30p is really want you want. Odds are overwhelming what you really want is 24, and everything off-rate should be converted to that rate.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Have you used either of these RAID 5 enclosures? - 13 years agoHistorically, RAID 5 wasn't the best choice for video because RAID 3 gave you better sequential read performance, which of course is very nearly all we do. But it's been ages since I heard anybody talk about the distinction. I'm not even sure RAID 3 exists any more in any practical form.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Avid Hardware Interface - 13 years agoExactly. The offline/online workflow is still very much unchanged from what it was ten years ago (though you might be conforming to R3Ds now instead of film scans) because it works. The offline is all about the narrative; the online is all about everything else. Is it possible to alternate between focusing on one and the other? Maybe. I just know whenever I've tried, I've ended up making a disby Jeff Harrell - Avid Media Composer Re: Which way? - 13 years agoFor my part, "yes" is basically the answer. I've done two small projects (just for myself) in Premiere so far and ? meh. It's fine. It's adequate. It basically works. I'm getting my Smoke skills back gradually; it's been a LONG time. And I'm looking for a good opportunity to lose my Avid virginity at long last. Basically, if it runs on a Mac, I'm going to try to be at least fluenby Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: X is here (also new Motion and Compressor) - 13 years agoPretty sure your Mac still has to be authenticated to your Apple ID, Strypes. No idea for sure, though. I'm not going to be an early adopter on this one for, sigh, financial reasons. Can't afford to buy it until I get a client to pay for it.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA - X Re: X is here (also new Motion and Compressor) - 13 years agoI think it's 10.6.6, Jude, but I don't remember. It's not a separate thing; it's part of the OS, so it comes with whatever the relevant Mac OS X updater is. Clay, Apple hasn't said anything about physical media. There's no reason to think they're going to be manufacturing any. But early reports are that Final Cut Pro X is a self-contained app bundle, which means you can move it around just byby Jeff Harrell - Café LA - X Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoI don't care for Internet bitch-sessions, but I feel compelled to jump on this, because it's widely misunderstood. QuoteQuicktime X. Er... wtf. Quicktime for consumers. Please note that I say this with all the love and respect in the world: You don't have the first goddamn idea what QuickTime X is. Nor should you! It's a low-level computery thing. But given that you don't know what you're taby Jeff Harrell - Café LA - X Re: 1:3:2 aspect ratio - 14 years agoDammit. I saw the subject line and thought this was gonna be a question about stereoscopic workflow.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Broadcast - to 60p or not 60p - 14 years agoQuotethe specs are at my discretion. No, they're really not. You have to deliver something that will actually work when cued up to play to air. Odds are the network wants 1080i60 from you. But you need to check with them first. Because I guarantee you they have a very strong opinion on the subject.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Quicktime Pro not compressing video - 14 years agoWell duh you got a relatively high data rate then. You told the encoder to give you the absolute best possible picture quality and spare no expense. If you want to hit a target data rate, you have to key in that target data rate. For 1080p, a good guideline is 8-10 megabits. For 720p, you can get away with anything from about 2 megabits to about 6, depending on the material and how picky you aby Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Premier Cs5 vs Final Cut - 14 years ago"Baking" still does not mean what you seem to think it means, Corbett.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Quicktime Pro not compressing video - 14 years agoAn eleven-minute file of six gigabytes' extent would have a data rate of around 72 megabits. So clearly your timeline is being compressed. What is your target data rate? What data rate did you tell QuickTime to use?by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: duplicate a shake using SmoothCam? - 14 years agoCan I make just a couple little suggestions? First of all, tossing around terms like "deep thrall" and "worshippers" isn't, in my experience, a very good way to get help or make friends. Being dismissive and derogatory of your professional peers might not be the best choice. Second, don't stress so much about what's in and out of scope for the forum. The moderators are rby Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Premier Cs5 vs Final Cut - 14 years agoYou made those? Just now? Just for this? If I promise never, ever to try to get freaky with you, will you marry me?by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: duplicate a shake using SmoothCam? - 14 years agoI think one of the core purposes of this forum is to share good advice. Hacking around a program function to get it to do something that was not intended is not what I'd call good advice.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Premier Cs5 vs Final Cut - 14 years agoI've gotten into the habit of using my CS5 applications so infrequently that sometimes, when I open one, it has to update itself twice!by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: duplicate a shake using SmoothCam? - 14 years agoQuoteA hacker's mentality is needed to not become enslaved to FCP's options. Which is fine. But an editor's mentality is "I could've been done by now if I'd just used the proper tool for this." Curiosity is great. But when you're working under a deadline, curiosity isn't a solution; it's a problem to be overcome.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: duplicate a shake using SmoothCam? - 14 years agoExperiment with the motion blur, though. Depending on the shot, you might get a very objectionable results. Due to the lack of parallax, objects in the distance will move the same amount as objects close to camera, and the "dumb" motion blur that After Effects generates will be all wrong. Do some tests before deciding whether it's more objectionable not to have any blur, or to have theby Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Progressive or Interlaced? - 14 years agoReally. Programming, commercials, basically everything that's not broadcast live. It's partially a holdover from the days before videotape was practical. If you wanted to record something for later broadcast on television, you did it on film. Either with straight-up film cameras, or with a kinescope. Amusingly, experiments were done back in the day with recording to videotape. "The Twiby Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Premier Cs5 vs Final Cut - 14 years agoGood! They might be able to afford some quality control then.by Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: Progressive or Interlaced? - 14 years agoQuoteMy point being what is practical for most users to view (720 p)because of file size and streaming issues Nah. 720p24 is pretty much the least-common-denominator now. iTunes is 720p, Youtube is 720p (at least), Vimeo is 720p, Netflix is 720p. The only major outlet that doesn't do at least 720p, that I know of, is Hulu. And god bless 'em, they're becoming increasingly irrelevant with that siby Jeff Harrell - Café LA Re: New camera - 14 years agoNot that I think you need a more authoritative response than Graeme's, DM, but this bit of misinformation has been circulating for several weeks now, and I for one want to see it nipped in the bud. Jim Jannard, Red's founder, is kind of the anti-Steve Jobs. He speaks publicly a lot, especially on the Red User forum. A couple weeks ago, some things he said were taken out of context and badly miby Jeff Harrell - Café LA |