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Re: Powerfull Workflow with FCPX and Netstor Storage possible - 11 years agoI'm looking to put Minis into our workflow here as well. Currently still running three Mac Pros, one Dell Workstations and two iMacs. All is connected to our 100TB Small Tree SAN. We convert 10gig ethernet to Thunderbolt for the iMacs and it works fine, can push up to 550MB/s to those machines so it would be the same to the Mini. Have already tested 4k multicam with Premiere Pro using thiby walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoterra100 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > But how can that work? The cloud is not like some > people think. You are downloading the software. > The cloud subscription just turns it on and off on > your machine. So, waterbiscardi, this would mean > you'd have to download (if this works and did not > grab your computer ID) the entiby walterbiscardi - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoJon Chappell Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Right, but I think it's interesting if Apple is > prepared to make a loss on FCPX despite killing > lots of pro products in recent years. It's interesting only in the sense that it's interesting so many people want to use a product that is such a tiny blip on a company's radar that if it was killed tomorby walterbiscardi - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoUnless the iPhones / iPads continue their slide and fall completely off the sales charts, FCP X doesn't have to earn anything. When you look at their sales compared to everything else on a pie chart, I was told the ProApps sales were literally a line. Too small to even be a very very small piece of pie, literally a line on the chart. In other words, Apple doesn't even need the ProApps periby walterbiscardi - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Need new monitor - 11 years agoFor color grading, forget computer monitors and you'll have to spend a bit more than $1000. You want a Flanders Scientific. Those are accurate for color grading. The cheaper BMD monitor is not color accurate, it's good for reference to see what you're shooting. flandersscientific.com We have six of these in our shop because they're accurate and the customer service is some of the best inby walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: First casualty of CC = Adobe Encore is dead (EOL)... - 11 years agoIt's not "dead" Adobe said as much at NAB this past April. Basically it's gone as far as it needs to go, according to Adobe, so no more updates moving forward. That's what they said this past April. Encore continues to live as CS6 and is still easily available via Creative Cloud.by walterbiscardi - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: 4K TV's, but few 4K Cameras?? - 11 years agostrypes Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > >Blackmagic has the most affordable at $3999 US > > Nope. GoPro was there first at a remarkable 1/10th > the price of a BMD pocket camera with their Hero3. > Just sayin'. Ok, how about the most affordable, flexible, useful camera for a variety of projects. GoPro has its place, but the BMD will doby walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: 4K TV's, but few 4K Cameras?? - 11 years agoThere are quite a few 4k cameras out there as we all witnessed at NAB this past April. Canon, RED, Blackmagic and I believe Sony also had one. Blackmagic has the most affordable at $3999 US. (4k for $4k was their mantra) ARRI was the notable exception. There is a 4k consumer television for under $2000 US already. Gary Adcock and I were talking at NAB and he's been working almost exclby walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: Reactions to Apple's new MacPro announcement. - 11 years agoBMD already working on OpenGL support for the new MacPro. Good news for all of us so we don't HAVE to have nVidias to run Resolve.by walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Reactions to Apple's new MacPro announcement. - 11 years agoHow much do we really need the Rocket any longer with the strong power of the nVidia cards? Via thunderbolt adapter with this machine or via a PC tower or via their new VCA? I was under the impression these cards have almost caught up to the speed of the Rocket especially with two or more GPUs in the machine.by walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Reactions to Apple's new MacPro announcement. - 11 years agoAdobe doesn't need to do anything quite honestly. They already support the ATI cards very nicely with CC so they're good to go. BMD is the lone man out with the nVidia only support needed for Resolve. Knowing them they will have an answer before the Fall. I think the strongest use of these new machines will be for remote situations. Compact power to take into the field vs. a laptop or lby walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoJude Cotter Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > And the thing is, if you stop working (on a > monthly payment cycle) you can stop paying with no > penalty, and when and if you really need the > software again, you can get it for a month (I > think there's also about a week of grace period) > for $20. And as even some Adobe folks have suggeby walterbiscardi - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Creative Cloud Open Letter - 11 years agoAfter a day of "The Sky Is Falling" I had to write up my thoughts.by walterbiscardi - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agoFrancois Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > walterbiscardi Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > > Interplay is a wholly different project than > > Anywhere and serves a completely different > > function ... > > great, so it doesn't serve collaborative editing Interplay is more designed for an enterprby walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agoDepends on if they are collaborating with others outside their companies. completely independent, one / two man shops that never go outside probably won't. I'm trying to figure out how I can make this work to utilize folks I've always wanted to work with such as Shane Ross. This might finally allow us to work together in a very easy workflow.by walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agoFrancois Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am completely aware of all that. Not need to be > grumpy > > For the kind of jobs mentioned before will it > beat an "in house" Avid Interplay ? Do you think > the industry in going to switch ? > > that's all I am saying. When people say "It's a joke" or "Doby walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agoFrancois Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > ok Adobe Anywhere itself is not a joke, but work > HD video files through the net ? Please. Can you actually do some research on how something works before you simply dismiss it offhand. Jon just provided a pretty good explanation of how it works. You can also learn more for yourself if you go to Adobe's webby walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: 720x480 to 1920x1080 Pro Res - 11 years agoDerek gave you the options that are there before you other than stretching the image. Bottom line, you have a square box that needs to go into a rectangular hole. If you want to fill that hole, something has to give. derekmok Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Is there any way to blow up without getting > squeezing or stretching? > > Thby walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: Real world Thunderbolt Raid experience? - 11 years agostrypes Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yea. That was amazing. They were also SSDs. > Insanely fast shared storage. Yep, nothing like 8 SSDs striped together at only, what did he say, about $3000 PER drive. The funny thing about that system is Steve had to create something that would create the throughput for the test! Simply incredible and I can'tby walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: Real world Thunderbolt Raid experience? - 11 years agoThunderbolt is definitely faster than FW800. Small Tree Communications was showing a system at NAB running dual Thunderbolt into a laptop running at 1.2GB/s. Yep, 1200MB/s. The speed of your system depend on whom you get.by walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agopaurray Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Or how about Resolve 10. One of the fascinating > features is that it sucks in all these different > edits from different NLEs. Like would that not be > intriguing if you owned a production house? Have > editors edit on the NLE of their choice and bring > the edit into Resolve Colour Correct, tweak aby walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agoFrancois Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- (" Adobe > anywhere" is an internet joke for video, good for > stills, not for us) Adobe Anywhere has been in use for several years now by some major broadcasters as a test bed. Photographers in the field and editors in house working together in realtime. I assure you it's no joke.by walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agoJust to chime in, Oliver and I have been communicating off forum and quite honestly, having a good laugh about all the commotion. We both agree the industry should return to CMX with GVG 300 and Abekas A53D as a standard for all editing moving forward.by walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agoJon Chappell Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > For me the big question isn't the future of FCPX, > it's the future of the Mac. Will there be a new > Mac Pro? If so, will it be one we actually want to > buy? It was starting to sound like this coming week we might hear something.by walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agocraig seeman Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Walter, Oliver Peter stated. > > ... For example, they were showing the XAVC > integration in an area of the Sony booth. FCP X > was well-represented as part of other displays all > over the floor. > > Were there two NABs? Were some people seeing it > and others not? Granted NAB isby walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Adobe on the FCPX attack says Ben Balser - 11 years agoderekmok Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > None of it addresses the loss in confidence. I > still haven't seen anything that would convince me > that Apple wouldn't drop FCPX with no warning, as > with FCP7. Everybody thought FCP7 was "here to > stay", as well. I always find the NAB Show Floor a good barometer for where the industby walterbiscardi - Café LA - X Re: Thunderbolt RAID suggestions, please - 12 years agoG-RAID has gotten better since their second generation mess and LaCie is good or bad depending on who you talk to. Many people hate them, but we've never really had an issue with them. Now one thing about any RAID, you really want about double the storage space of what you actually need. As the drives fill up, they slow down, they get more flaky, etc..... Also, you have to take into accouby walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: How to create master for theatres - 12 years agoMaster for the Theater is usually a Digital Cinema File or a 16 / 35mm print. If you're showing it at select theaters, you'll need to contact the theaters to find out what they accept and the specs for each. For broadcast and theater screenings ALWAYS use Title Safe. For the web, yes there is extra space, but we never make a special version just for the internet. What goes online is the sby walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: Editing sizzle reel with various formats and aspet ratios as source material. What is the best format to use in FCP7? What are the best compressor settings? How do I handle the work flow? - 12 years agoWe edit with H264 codecs all the time now that we switched to Premiere Pro. It edits quite well actually. FCP 7 certainly doesn't like that codec, but Premiere Pro is just fine with it.by walterbiscardi - Café LA Re: Anatomy of an iMac Suite - 12 years agoFor this particular project it started out around 27 hours of material and it's up to around 45 hours now. Most of our documentaries average 125 - 300 hours of material so this one is pretty small by our standards. The SAN itself is 48TB that the iMac is connected to.by walterbiscardi - Café LA |