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Re: Converting film sourced 29.976 clip back to PAL - 7 years agoI'm sorry - it's so long since I've done this!! I think you just need to slowly advance through the clip and spot the pattern of whole or split frames to deduce the cadence.by Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Converting film sourced 29.976 clip back to PAL - 7 years agoUse the pulldown removal in Cinema Tools. But you have to be careful to make sure the cadence is correct. Make sure you view the resulting 24fps movie frame by frame at 100% to spot any interlace artifacts. Also remember that if it's from a pre-edited clip the cadence can change on every edit, so you may need to splice on cadence changes and do each bit alone. If the cadence for a clip is not corby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Converting film sourced 29.976 clip back to PAL - 7 years agoConforming to 25fps can't add or remove interlace, so that would point to the reverse telecine being incorrect.by Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Converting film sourced 29.976 clip back to PAL - 7 years agoUse the "conform" option in Cinema Tools.by Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: convert 50i into 25p - 9 years agoYes, it's G Map Frames in the Standards Conversion pack. It will take interlaced video, separate out the fields and expand up each field to make a frame, thus turning 50i into 50p (which in a 25fps is 50% slowmo).by Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Convert short films from 23.976 to 29.97 for TV broadcast - 11 years agoDoes the delivery need a file or HD tape? For HD tape delivery, generally the HD-SDI card / box will accept 23.98fps material and add in 3:2 pulldown on output to the recording device, meaning you don't have to physically add the pulldown yourself. It is possible to add 3:2 pulldown as a render process. This is best done to completed content (rather than pieces) so that the entire output is inby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: online treatment of Log footage with BT.709 footage - 11 years agoThe plugin normally runs on the GPU using shaders that are in full floating point. In other words the math computations are float. They also occur on RGB data, so we have to account how the host app translates the underlying Y'CbCr to RGB and back again after render. Where we do a Y'CbCr conversion again it's all float. Hope that helps, Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: 4K TV's, but few 4K Cameras?? - 11 years agoAnd a 2nd hand RED One can be picked up very affordably as people move onto the Red Epic.by Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Reactions to Apple's new MacPro announcement. - 11 years agoSeems nice enough for an office use desktop mac. I'm not sure sure for uses outside a traditional office one due to "how the hell do you rack mount it". Moving to SSD has done wonders for my old style mac pro speed, so I'm happy enough there and dual GPU sounds nice too. A smaller, lighter package sounds great, but I'm not so sure on all the thunderbolt stuff, and where the hell do I puby Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: our various gamma filters - 12 years agoI think the reference in the Color manual is that in video gamma refers to the power law curve, and in film it refers to the slope of density curve (when plotted in log to get it to approximately a straight line). And as Color was used to grade film, gamma therefore had the two ambiguous meanings. Using the video meaning of gamma, you're right that it has a different visual look whether applieby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Sequence frame size doesn't look same as source - 12 years agoCheck "distort" settings in the "motion" tab? Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: MacPro, iMac, FCPX and my theory on desktop hardware - 12 years agoIs there any advantage on the PCI SSD card over a SSD boot drive installed as a hard drive? I did the OWC SSD boot drive on both my mac pros and it's been an excellent investment.by Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: Editing in 29.97 fps vs. 23.98 fps in FCP 7 - Cinema Tools Frame Rate Conversions and De-Interlacing in Compressor - 13 years agoConverting the 60i to 24p is probably the way to go. That would ensure a consistent frame-rate feel across the movie, and get you out of the land of interlace, which will make for a much better looking DVD / web movie etc. Doing the conversion to 24p isn't too bad. I make a plugin that does that, but it can be tricky to use and it's best used on individual clips, but that can be rather slow duby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Frame rate conversion and reverse pulldown. - 13 years agoI tried a reverse pulldown for 8mm before and could never get it to work - the pattern wasn't constant or stable and we got into all manner of bother trying. Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: De-3:2 - 13 years agoIn the manual for CT it mentions automatic detector, but I've never found it in the app itself. Compressor can do automatic detection, but for me, I've often ended up slicing up a video on a pulldown change and manually sending each segment through CT, telling it the precise pulldown pattern on each one. Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Official FCP X FAQ - 13 years agoThanks Kyle - a good find. Nice to know multicam will come eventually, and XML is perhaps more imminent. Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: Positive - 13 years agoCan we start with saying how "Storyline, Event, etc." relate to "project, timeline" - even that's got me confused :-) Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: OPPORTUNITY - WHO THE PRO'S ARE!!!! - 13 years agoAll "pro" is - is getting paid for the job. Beyond that it's an attitude. Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Positive - 13 years agoA positive way forwards to would be to come up with that piece of documentation Apple have neglected to write - the FCP->FCPX transition guide. It could be part of a FAQX that answers the "how do I do.... in FCPX" type question? I'm going to be travelling a few days, but I'll be trying to read up on the manual in the meantime. Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: crashing to a black screen - 13 years agoI've had a few crashes, but none to a black screen. If the screen goes really black and nothing will get the mac back, chances are your GPU has over-heated and given out. On a big mac I'd clean out the card of dust and ensure good ventilation. On a macbook that's harder... Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: Cafe LA-X - This is quite witty a name for a forum. - 13 years agoLAX is funny indeed until the water main bursts and you can't get a coffee before your flight, or you're stuck there in the blazing heat in queues.... Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: Erratic gamma/color shifts on XDCAM EX - 13 years agoI'm hearing a similar issue from an editor in the UK - there's a colour shift on paused footage compared to playing footage.by Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: Reconnect media in FCP X...anyone? - 13 years agoI made a test project and didn't realize FCPX would copy all my project media to my small SSD boot drive, thus filling it up! No wonder I was getting good performance though. So I deleted the files off the SSD, and then found there was no way to relink the media back to the originals. I just got red offline media placeholders and couldn't find any relink option in the app or the manual. So....by Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: Best method for transcoding red footage to pro res? - 13 years agoUsing REDCine-X is usually the simplest / best option. Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Archiving with a Drobo - 13 years agoI store video files on the NAS, I just don't edit to or from the NAS - it's storage only for me. Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Archiving with a Drobo - 13 years agoRob, I'm not using the NAS for video editing, but for backup / storage of all the files I create, and obviously, that's a lot of files, and for an "office share" for working files around the office. No, I'm not making use of iSCSI, I'm just using it as a traditional NAS. Nice thing though is you have the option to use that free with the package. The boxes are Mac compatible, but aby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Archiving with a Drobo - 13 years agoI rand the original Drobos with their DroboShare NAS adapter for a few years. I found them slow, and very finicky about mounting direct and being shut down in the case of power outages and things like that. They were also a pain to back up. So.... earlier in the year I was looking for a better solution, and thought the new DroboPro FS would be great. But it was rather pricey and I wanted two sby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: Final Cut Pro X - still Pro - 13 years agoSorry I missed catching up with you at NAB, Walter. Got to agree on the lack of important professional use information on the new FCP. All I can think though is what an utterly fantastic and practically seamless transition Apple did for 68000 to PPC, OS9 to OS X, and recently with with PPC to Intel transition. In all those cases we had overlap compatibility and a good warning before the older supby Graeme Nattress - Café LA - X Re: How do you protect your drives from a power outage: UPS? - 13 years agoAPC UPS's on everything here. I'd say UPS's a necessity for any pro computer work. Graemeby Graeme Nattress - Café LA Re: possible scam, watch out - 13 years agoI've had umpteen spam emails similarly asking for price lists and the like - obvious signs are that they appear to not know who they are emailing, asking generic questions. Straight in the spam folder for me. Can't be too careful.by Graeme Nattress - News and Announcements |