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Re: Best replacement for FCP - 6 years agoHey Jude, nice to hear from you. My problem is that I'm very rusty, even with FCP, so it's going to be a re-learning curve no matter what I use! I used to be able to edit "in my sleep" so to speak, I'll have to stay alert for a while to recover some expertise. None of this is for production other than family use, so I can go slow. BTW (Jude), Makayla spent last summer in Athens, Pby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Best replacement for FCP - 6 years agoLoren, thanks very much for this. That procedure rings a bell, and I guess it accomplishes the best I could hope for. But I know there are limitations to what will carry over - transitions, effects, etc. Are there any rules of thumb about what translates and what doesn't? I use lots of built-in FCP effects, but also a fair number of 3rd party.by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Best replacement for FCP - 6 years agoThanks, Dennis, for your detailed, though unwelcome, information. I was going to upgrade my El Capitan laptop to High Sierra just to be current, but I believe I will stay with Yosemite on it so I can continue to use the FCP suite for a while. Meantime, I will try to get more comfortable with Premiere Pro. I would be happy to migrate completely to Premiere except for all the FCP projects I haby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Best replacement for FCP - 6 years agoI have been away from editing for a while but starting to think about updating some videos I produced in FCP 7. At the same time I bought a new iMac with High Sierra already installed. After doing the migration from my old Mac Pro to the iMac, I discovered that my FCP suite was all disabled. I saw on Larry Jordan's newsletter the other day that "Apple is telling its developers that futureby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Lots of photographs - looking for a good approach - 9 years agoHave you considered Adobe Bridge? Big display of images (like iPhoto), sort them any way you want, then drag and drop a thumbnail onto a Finder window set to where you want them. I'm not sure iPhoto works that well (I don't use it).by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Any way to set overwrite instead of insert on drag to timeline? - 10 years agoIf you watch the little arrow that appears on the clip when you get it near the timeline, it will show you what it is going to do when you let go of the mouse button. A right pointing arrow means it is going to insert, a down pointing arrow means it is going to overwrite. You'll see that the arrow changes based on where the clip presently is in relation to the timeline - a little high gets youby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: on-set audio recorded too low, raising volume = hiss - 10 years agoThere is an old trick to raise the level of too-soft audio that may help. Double the audio tracks (copy to a new track). This raises the overall level without raising the noise level as much as simply raising the gain does. May or may not help in your case.by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Updating ProApps QuickTime codecs 1.0.4 - 10 years agoGood to know, Gerard, thank you. That's where I'm headed, but I still have a soft spot for FCP7. Even though Premiere is claimed to "almost just like" FCP, I'm having a hard time getting comfortable with it. Any basic publications or web sites recommended for getting oriented? Adobe has some nice video tutorials, but they tend to be very narrow focus. I'd like something that spby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Updating ProApps QuickTime codecs 1.0.4 - 10 years agoThanks for your thoughts, Andrew. It looks like there's nothing certain, oh yay. The codecs that are included seem to be ones that I thought I already had covered (and only a few I care about) but I can't abide losing playback. Do you (or anyone) know what the effect on Premiere Pro would be? I am running OS 10.7.5 on one machine (not upgradeable) and 10.8.5 on the other (can go higher). Doby Scott Taylor - Café LA Updating ProApps QuickTime codecs 1.0.4 - 10 years agoI have seen warnings in the past few months that users of FCP 7 should not install this update. Is that still the working wisdom? What specifically does it break? Is there any recovery path if you install it and find that FCP 7 doesn't work right any more? I'm slowly transitioning to Premiere, and wonder if the same warning applies to it? It's really tedious to specifically bypass this updatby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Best codec for H.264 camera footage - 11 years agoWell, I have Premier Pro as part of my Adobe CC package. I have not yet used it, but it looks like it's time to learn. Thanks for the info, Derek.by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Best codec for H.264 camera footage - 11 years agoI converted to ProRes LT, hoping it would have the least file size impact. A 56 MB clip went to 283 MB. That's going to be a problem with an actual project at this point. My first effort is going to be a personal movie, no need for great quality. Is there a better ProRes option, or can I live with H.264 without tearing my hair out? So far it seems to behave OK in a timeline - what's the downby Scott Taylor - Café LA Best codec for H.264 camera footage - 11 years agoI tried to search for this, because I know it's been discussed a hundred times, but search comes up empty on "H.264" - go figure. I have a camera that stores its movie footage as H.264. I'm pretty sure I remember that this is not a good codec for editing. Am I remembering right? What should I convert it to, if it needs converting at all?by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: How can I "un-deassign" a key? - 11 years agoThanks, Derek, I've never tried to remap keys before and hadn't seen the keyboard layout screen in a long time. My lock button was on when I got there, and I had to unlock to change anything. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to reassign that key, but I clicked on Reset and it put Home back where it should be. Since I hadn't been reassigning keys (intentionally), reset only affected the Home keby Scott Taylor - Café LA How can I "un-deassign" a key? - 11 years agoI'm working on an FCP7 project on a different computer than I usually use, and was trying to set up some buttons in the button bar like I have them on my main computer. I have forgotten a lot about how I did this originally, and don't have the other computer nearby for reference. Somewhere in the process I got a dialog box that said my "Home" key was already assigned to a certain keyby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Problem installing FCP7 on Mountain Lion - 11 years agoI found a solution! And I have some more information about whether FCP 7 was Universal or strictly Intel. First, I have an embarrassing thing to admit. When I first grabbed my install disks to try to put FCP7 on my MBP with ML, I didn't realize I had grabbed my FCP5 disks instead (I skipped from 5 to 7). Oops. That was the first UB version, but obviously uses a PPC installer. When I discoby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Problem installing FCP7 on Mountain Lion - 11 years agoLion presents the same problem of not supporting PowerPC apps, right? Can you determine the code base of your FCP7 installer package? There must be more than one version of the installer included with FCP distribution. If we ever sort this out, we'll be the holders of some very useless information.by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Problem installing FCP7 on Mountain Lion - 11 years agoThat's an interesting take, Dennis. I do have a FW drive bootable in SL, so I could attach it to my MPB and try again. My impression of all the questions about "will FCP7 run on ML" pertained to systems that already had FCP7 on them, then they were upgraded to ML and FCP continued to work fine. There is no clear indication on any of those "success stories" that it also workby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Problem installing FCP7 on Mountain Lion - 11 years agoYes, I could try the partition trick, but I think I'm going to move on. I'll be getting the Adobe Cloud soon, which gets me all the Adobe apps, and I think I'll just plan on a migration to Premiere. I know this question has been asked and answered dozens of times since FCPX shook up the world (and I didn't pay attention because it didn't apply to me), but is there a decent migration path from Fby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Problem installing FCP7 on Mountain Lion - 11 years agoI have been using FCP Studio on my older Mac Pro (Intel, of course) for years, and didn't bother with it on my PB because it was so slow, but now that I have the MBP I thought it would be good to have it there as well (which Apple allows). I thought FCP7 was Universal Binary, as things were in those days, but it looks like the installer itself is PowerPC, which would have worked on either platfoby Scott Taylor - Café LA Problem installing FCP7 on Mountain Lion - 11 years agoThis isn't the usual question "will FCP7 work in Mountain Lion?" (clearly it does) - this one is "Can I install FCP7 on a Mountain Lion machine?" I have retired my old Powerbook and now have a Mac Book Pro (a few years old) with ML on it. I stuck in my trusty FC Studio install disk, and oh darn, the installer is a Power PC app! And it won't run. "You can't open the aby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: FCP 7: Error - Out of Memory occurring too frequently! - 12 years agoAnother place to look: check how full all of your connected drives are, particularly your boot drive. Your boot drive manages virtual memory (as disk space) and it's valuable territory for complex operations, like rendering. If it gets too crammed full to manage well, memory errors result. Make sure you have at least 10% free space (before a render).by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Deleted - 12 years agoHarry, you have a knack for starting great thread "accidentally." I still remember your "." thread from a few years ago.by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Actions stall in all FCP functions - 12 years agoQuoteMike said: it seemed the way to fix the chatter was to reset Safari. I've had Safari be the culprit too. How do you do this "reset" thing - are you just talking about trashing Safari prefs?by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Bizzarro Keyboard - 12 years agoGoogle "keyboard dishwasher" and you'll get hundreds of hits. Dunking your keyboard in water is hardly a radical idea. If you've got a non-functioning keyboard, what do you have to lose by trying it?by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Actions stall in all FCP functions - 12 years agoI had a similar experience with my Mac Pro a few years ago. Only a couple of minutes after a fresh boot, I would be getting the SBBOD no matter what application I was using. I was on the phone to AppleCare (so glad I had it!) and at one point he wanted me to go into Disk Utility and do some things. First thing I noticed was a message next to the entry for my boot disk, in red: This disk is faby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Is there any method of copy protecting one-off DVD copies? - 12 years agoYou asked for futile, Harry, give this a try. You may be old enough to remember this. Long ago, on Ozzie and Harriet, Ozzie had to protect some kind of valuable art object from theft, and he was very nervous about it. He had this dream where he was carrying the crate the object was in, and he had printed on it in large, authoritative letters: "VALUABLE ART OBJECT - DO NOT STEAL."by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: OT:RIP Sheriff John - 12 years agoMy God, what a blast from the past. I was a faithful watcher of Sheriff John on KTTV when I was 5, must have been the first year he was on. Then we moved away. I can't believe that 60 years later my childhood hero is still being talked about.by Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: Ease In or Smooth - 12 years agoGraeme Nattress calls that phenomenon "the evil snake of doom." It's an apt description, and Harry's story about how it comes about is right on. Every now and then, I find that the effect adds some unexpected interest to the shot, but usually it's just a pain in the neck. And I've found that painstaking work with the handles to try to fix it is merely pain, no joy. It's off to Motioby Scott Taylor - Café LA Re: OT: lafcpug.org move is completed - 12 years agoOne very cool thing about the new host (I hope I'm not jinxing it by saying this): Now, after reading a thread and going back to the list, the posts in that thread are no longer marked as "new." Every time! This is huge! Scottby Scott Taylor - Café LA |