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Contact Sheet for video? - 9 years agoLong time no see! I've missed you like you've missed me... On occasion we will shoot for a client and at the end of the day the client will request a contact sheet of what we've shot that day. So if we've shot 100 clips, I'd fire up Photoshop and make contact sheets with one still image from each clip, and print them out 20 to a page. It'll have the clip title (i.e. MVI_005.mov) below eachby Mike Watson - Café LA Cataloging Media - 10 years agoHi, Long time no see! I am working for a local government client that has done a fair amount of video work over the years. Some with me, some with others, and some in house. They have their raw and finished video spread over a couple of hard drives, and some of it centralized on a Drobo. Overall it's probably 10-15TB of video, mostly raw. It is in varying states of disarray. I haveby Mike Watson - Café LA - X Re: Can anyone suggest some sound effects/royalty free music libraries? - 13 years agoI wonder if sometime in the last 4.5 years these people were able to secure music for their production?by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Petition to reinstate FCP 7 found on Apple Discussion Board - 13 years agoHas anyone in the history of the world ever taken an internet petition seriously? It just makes those complaining about FCP X (most of whom have spent more time making plans to switch to Premiere or move to Canada than actually using FCP X) look more foolish.by Mike Watson - Café LA - X Re: Petition to reinstate FCP 7 found on Apple Discussion Board - 13 years agoWow, 134 people. You guys really showed Apple.by Mike Watson - Café LA - X Re: Fascinating: Is Apple responding through David Pogue? - 13 years agoSort of refreshing to read an article that corrects what the chorus of whiners keeps repeating. I'm really looking forward to digging into FCP X. Obviously, no way I'd switch a huge project to it on day #3, but I wouldn't hesitate to start a project on it tomorrow.by Mike Watson - Café LA - X Re: HD-SDI to iMac - 13 years agoIO Express needs an Express card slot or PCI e slot, so that's out. So what's my next best option? Ki Pro Mini @ $2k?by Mike Watson - Café LA HD-SDI to iMac - 13 years agoHi, Working on a studio build for a client (I know I'm an editor by trade, but sometimes the opportunities come up). We have a 3 camera studio with switcher and mixer, all down to one HD-SDI cable. I need to get that signal into an iMac they will use to edit with. I was going to get the Blackmagic UltraStudio SDI, but it's now looking like September before it ships, and that'll never wby Mike Watson - Café LA Re: There's a Baby in the Bath Water!!! - 13 years agoI'm with you. I thought the system response was snappier and I liked the new interface. Obviously some bugs to be worked out, but the chorus of whining that spans this board I thought was really unnecessary. I think it's hilarious how the hollywood model is going down the drain, and yet every change that happens in the industry hollywood has to run around in circles with their hands in the airby Mike Watson - Café LA - X Re: Can't capture HDV footage from Sony Z1U into FCP 7 - 13 years agoI have had bad luck with the firewire cables that connect the camera to the computer - try a new cable. I have had bad luck with the Z1U in general, and sometimes find that it requires absurd stuff like re-booting or re-doing Jude's whole sequence once or twice. I think the firewire connection of the Z1U is in a bad spot, when you set the camera down to capture you're putting a lot of stresby Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Sequence Preset List - Any way to shorten it? - 13 years agoEasiest way is to make a new preset with your preferred settings, and when you name that setting, name it something that starts with a "!". Once you've done that, spotlight search for whatever you called that setting - you'll find a file with that name. In that folder are the other sequence settings. You can delete at will.by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: CF Card Pulled Too Quickly From a Z5U - FCP Won't Read Files - 13 years agoThe existing m2t files can be converted in Handbrake, which will convert to basically nothing useful, but at least something that can be converted again by streamclip or compressor. It's an ugly process.by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: I couldn't resist posting this link. No editing involved. You'll see. - 13 years agoHate to be the first one to throw a stone, but to have 1000 people acting in a piece like that and then decidedly crappy steadicam work just kills me. Why not bring on a real steadicam guy for $1k/day and cut 2 actors from the budget? That said... it's cool. Really cool. Wish I could convince one of my corporate clients to do a large production like that with a small payoff in the end - Iby Mike Watson - Show and Tell Re: Placing clips on timeline to correspond with media start/end times - 13 years agoThe Audio Technica ATW-T180 is mic-level only, but you could get an inline pad (or have one made) to knock the level from line to mic. As others have said, I think you are making way too much of this, if in editing you decide you need a clean copy of Cool & The Gang's "Celebration", download it and sync it up then.by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Reasons why NOT using a LCD TV as monitor? - 13 years ago"over 27" qualifies as everything from 28" to 40' movie screens. Can you narrow it down a bit? I think you're not talking about a computer monitor, you're talking about a TV display, in which case a TV would be fine.by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: OT--DVD duplication/replication in Los Angeles - 13 years agoI use , but it is online and not B&M. You will pay 3x extra to get it done locally - maybe that is important to you, but I have found discmakers to be very reliable. Replication (generally for 1000+ copies) is much more reliable than duplication (< 1000 copies).by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Reasons why NOT using a LCD TV as monitor? - 13 years ago1) Why wouldn't you care about true colors and color correction? 2) My experience is the opposite, computer monitors are cheaper than TVs. Either way, you can't be talking more than $20-$30 on a $200-$300 purchase. 3) If nothing else, there is the energy star thing to be concerned with, saving $$s by turning the monitor off when the computer is unused... I don't believe TVs will do this. Thby Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Timecode breaks on client supplied tapes - 13 years agoI might suggest to them that the $2 they are saving from not breaking out a new DV tape is costing them $50 in the edit bay when you have to sit there for an hour and watch a capture.by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: X amount per week - 13 years agoI don't typically work by the week, I work by the day. I am happy to work as many days as they want to pay me for. If I were being paid by the week it would be a special arrangement, and in that arrangement would be how many days and how much $. Depending on the $ would depend on the number of days.by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Archiving with a Drobo - 13 years agoDavid_S Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Our > plan is to begin the cycle to replace all the > drives well before a drive has gone bad or the > MTBF point has been reached. Further, if one drive > does fail it was felt that if this occurred well > before the MTBF point it could be chalked up to > just a bad drive and the extra stress ofby Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Archiving with a Drobo - 13 years agoDavid_S Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Because of the useful > lifespan of hard drives one has to be prepared to > say that every couple of years all the drives will > have to be cycled out with new drives. However, as > drives get larger, faster, and cheaper, this only > works to our advantage. Every time you cycle > through drives yby Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Archiving with a Drobo - 13 years agoI think your best bet is bare SATA drives, not RAIDed - just swap them out as they fill up. I spin mine up twice a year. I'm currently using 2TB drives, and I'm juuuuust getting to the point where I would like to take out my 250GB drives and copy 8 of them over to a fresh 2TB drive. The truly nervous (or people with more valuable data than I) will have a second as a backup, or even a third ofby Mike Watson - Café LA Re: loading footage from Canon Vixia HD30 - 13 years agoIf you've recorded to SD memory card, the only way I have been able to make it work is via iMovie.by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: OT: contract with clients - 13 years ago4) Don't want to share a private legal document 5) Don't want to publicize a document they spent much money on crafting for themselves 6) Are generally stunned that you can't google "boilerplate design contract" and ready the many boilerplate contracts that exist in cyberspace 7) Are disappointed you didn't watch the video linked above.by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Freelancer Q:- Tape vs Tapeless projects . . . - 13 years ago80% tapeless. No way they can do away with a way to ingest tape -- there will be something built in, even if it's not accessed by pressing Cmd-8 anymore, or called "Capture".by Mike Watson - Café LA Re: Mac Repair in O.C.