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Red Giant Coloruite II conflict with PP 7 - 11 years agoRed Giant This is the first show I've used MBL & Colorista and I love the effects and controls. However I put finishing touches on one hour show Friday night, shut down & when I restarted Sat morning, Premier CC crashed and I couldn't get it to open my finished show. Tried opening two different autosaves of same project with no success, even got one off my time machine and it too wouldn'by jwatt - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Applying color correction to multiple clips - 12 years agoHave a color correction that I need to apply to multiple clips. Looking for a way to select many clips like in FCP and then apply the same CC rather than copying and pasting to each clip. Thx...Jim Wattby jwatt - Avid Media Composer Re: Voice over problems in Premier CS 5.4 - 12 years agoCan hear regular output from both viewer and timeline. AJA called back and with their 10.1 software were able to play files I sent them. I was running 9.1 so switched to 10.1 and it seems to be working. PP does indeed have some petty obscure and quirky audio issues. Thanks for your help. Was out shooting for a couple of days so just getting this sorted out today. Thx...jwby jwatt - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Voice over problems in Premier CS 5.4 - 12 years agoEquipment: New MacPro 2 X 2.93 GHz 6-Core intel Xeon 12GBs Ram Nvidia Quadro 4000 2048 MB video card Software 10.7.2 Video Card: Kona 3 with 9.0.3 driver & 9.01 premier plugin Videodrive: 7200 RPM 2 TB internal (not the system drive) remaining space about 750 GB Adobe CS 5.5 software Shute XLR to USB adapter X2U The transition from FCP7 to Premier CS5.5 continues withby jwatt - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: HD footage to SD DVD looks like CRAP!!!!! - 13 years agoDo not downconvert the edited HD video, just encode it in compressor and you will be a happy person. We've released a couple of hundred hours of SD DVD's shot in HD and they are beautiful. so much so that for many years before BluRay several plasma makers were using them to demo their sets.by jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 13 years agoJust a note to let you know I solved all my crashing issues when i prepared for FCP X. Ha! I installed a new 2 TB system drive and partitioned it in preparation for FCP X. What i found that after i cloned my system drive to the new partition on the new drive. All, as in all of my crashing problems went away. Plus and I don't exactly understand why...my slow mo and other speed changes like reby jwatt - Café LA Re: What do I charge? - 14 years agoLoren the rates were interesting, but I didn't see an answer to the question if those rates applied only to the finely tuned and skilled "worker bee" or did it include a Macpro tower, video drives, etc.. I live in the Northwest, but work for clients all over the globe and we base our fee's on $150 an hour and have no problem getting it. Am I delusional and/or lucky or is this considby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoMy drives are in a fiber channel Xserve raid so they should be quite fast.by jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoI think all the engineers are too busy with IOS. We're a very, very small piece of moisture in the bucket compared to that market. The problem is I have no desire to switch systems at this point and for the most part it's a great program, it would just be nice for someone to pay attention to fixing a few of these issues.by jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoMike, I answered Ben's questions in an earlier post. I'm about 40 minutes into my third, 1 hour show in this series cutting on a ProRes timeline and have had pretty decent luck, as in a crash or two a day. This is an FCP7 issue. I edited about 8, 1 hour shows on 6. whatever right before 7 came out and had no problems. Also Smoothcam worked brilliantly. Now in 7 it's worthless. FYI I'by jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoMy problem is ours is a rather lean, results/product driven operation so I don't have or at least perceive I don't have the time to experiment. This last hour is going smoothly and then I need to begin writing and producing a very complicated series that is beyond my current level of expertise/knowledge so I'll be focusing all my "OJT" on this new project. Once we start editing I'llby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoI'm undecided about the format. When I first started using the format with FCP6 something, I used a proRes timeline and had no problems. All of this started, along with the smoothcam issue when I switched to FCP 7. I'm also a little surprised no one has weighed in on the smoothcam issue. Re keying, I usually record HDSDI out of the EX-3 to a NanoFlash at 100mbs, so I haven't tried keying wiby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoRegarding converting files to ProRes. I may just be missing it, but the only way I can see to do that is to take all my video files Thru sony's log & Transfer program, then into compressor and do the conversion there. Log & Transfer will not give me the option of capturing in ProRes on my laptop, nor even on my MacPro with the Kona 3 card when I select the capture preset for ProRes in tby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoSeems like that may be the next thing to try though why has this become a problem when I switched to FCP 7? Never ran into this before that and was using the same media and timelines. The other issue that started with FCP 7 was that smoothcam became worthless. Two significant issues that were not there before FCP 7 arrived. Granted the issue of motion files on the timeline causing crashes wby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoI'm about 20 minutes into this show and working in a separate timeline on a 10 minute segment to add to the 20 minutes I have finished. I cut a piece of video that was covering some sot and moved it forward in the timeline a minute or so, by dragging it forward when the crash occurred. Below is the info from the Crash Analyzer. I re-opend the project and made the exact same move and there waby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoThat's certainly an option, but in the past everything has worked pretty well and we're talking about a lot of video. Africa was 150 hours, Vietnam is 45-50 hours and I try to use XDCAM transfer on location so I'm not stuck with doing this in the edit room. After my unceremonious crash earlier today. I did re-import my video for this show and I also put it on an XDCAM EX 1080/60i timeline wiby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoThis new program is a continuation of the Discoveries...Vietnam series using the same original media files, so since I just started this edit I'm going to reimport through XDCAM transfer all the clips I need for this third show just to see if maybe there were corrupt clips from those I used in the previous two programs. This is starting as fresh as I possibly can. The clips I used before wereby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoOK, New 1 hour show on a Pro Res timeline with renders set to prores. I put down 6 short pieces of VO, one 12 second open shot and when I started to drag a second 25 second clip from the viewer to the timeline I crashed. The crash analyzer tells me the log suggests FCP was overloaded: This is the thread from this occurance: 0 com.apple.AppleVADriver 0x42a50f93 AVAGetRendererInby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoI don't have the crash logs anymore since this was a couple weeks ago. The program dows crash with the accompanying Apple crash report. Checked Fonts...had 38 with minor problems which I shut down. Disk Speeds are good write 340.2 MB/s, read 282.3 MB/S. Machine is set to never sleep. I only had QT movies exported from motion on the timeline. Running two Samsung computer monitorby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoI have a McPro 3GHZ dual quad Core Intel Zeon, 10 GB ram, OSX 10.6.5, FCP 7.0.3, Dual Fiber channel Video drive, which is a 2.5TB Xserve Raid. QT is 10.0 and a Kona 3 card. Graphics card is a new NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT which was just replaced by Apple, just to see if that may be the cause of the problems. Most of the crashes occur scrubbing through the timeline, but also during other operatby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoIt started with FCP 7. Never ran into this before that. Also smoothcam issues began with 7. I did a 5 hour series from Africa right before I switched to 7 and smoothed at least a hundred shots and all was terrific. Switched to 7 and it hasn't worked since. Apple claims they're looking into it, but it's been a couple of weeks since I last heard from them. Thx...jwby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoWell, that's interesting because I have a dual quad core 2.3 GHZ MacPro with an Xserve raid as a video drive 10 gigs of ram and it crashes once or twice a day. Particularly toward the end of an edit for a 1 hr HD program. I generally edit with XDCAM EX footage (1080/60i HQ VBR) on a ProRes HQ timeline or sometimes I'll use the XDCAM EX timeline with renders in ProRes. Doesn't seem to matter eiby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoTom, I personally haven't run into crashes from large stills for a couple of years, but I still get a crash or two a day in a 10-12 hour edit session. I've reinstalled FCS, even got a new FCS 3 because of poor performance from the Smoothcam filter, which we thought might be a defective program. Turns out that Smoothcam continues not to work. It was great in the pre FCP 7 versions, but oncby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoMike, I don't have an answer for you. As soon as I got rid of the 3rd party plugins, my crashes went down to maybe 1 or 2 a day and that's pretty normal. I sympathize with the time wasted...been there done that. Another thing we have found that causes crashes is using stills that are too large or too high resolution. I also made a new user with only FS3 in it and that too seemed to help aby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoI feel your pain! I really like EberhArd's Coremelt plugins. I've been using his products since Istabilize came out many years ago. Unfortunately the only way I solved my crashing problem was to delete all his plugins from the timeline, re color correct with the 3 way CC and add grad effects for the sky replace filters (I really like that filter). It was like magic. NO CRASHES! I cut a onby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoUpdate 11/13 I removed all the Coremelt filters then redid all my CC with FCP 3 way and no crashes. Everything is stable and working the way it should. Thanks for the insight into the Quartz Composer issues and how the plugins tax that aspect of the processor. Thanks again to all for helping me work through this. Jwby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoI started a new project and haven't put in any filters nor CC and no crashes. I'm 7 minutes into the show and it seems that the problems are in the plugins or my machines inability to process them. thx...jwby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoThe graphics card is an ATI Radeon 1900. I did start with a new project. Now that I'm half way thru the second show I'm starting another new project and will use no CC until finished just to see what happens there. I've contacted Coremelt, but nothing so far has made much difference. I'm using the luma levels & curves in Color tools. On the first show I was getting XML export errorsby jwatt - Café LA Re: FCP 7.0.3 frequent crashes - 14 years agoCurrent update....So I created a new user & switch timeline from DVCPROHD to Pro Res HQ. Tested my Apple Xserve raid, with Kona speed test at write 340.2 MB/s, read 282.3 MB/S Everything stays pretty stable for the first 15-20 minutes of the show on the timeline, but now at about 20 minutes in I'm getting crashes every 10-20 minutes. The one thing I've done that is different from pasby jwatt - Café LA |