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Re: $999 FCP to Avid Symphony crossgrade offer - 12 years agoProbably?by grafixjoe - Avid Media Composer Re: Using 27" iMacs to replace Desktop Workstations - 12 years agoI will always need my backpack studio. Still...very attractive = Quad Core 3.4 GHz (weren't the first quads 3.4s?)...2 GB GPU...16 GB RAM...2.256 TB SATA / SSD combo...all in that sexy 27" screen frame...sitting next to my other 27" Cinema screen...for $3800. Crazy good. Will make a great AE / C4D render & backup station remotely controlled from my laptop via Screen Sharing. Hey...wby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: $999 FCP to Avid Symphony crossgrade offer - 12 years agoMe likey the way smoke looks. Looks like an editor built for me and all the other stuff I do along with editing.by grafixjoe - Avid Media Composer Re: Using 27" iMacs to replace Desktop Workstations - 12 years agoYep...never thought I would be saying this...but I have been researching that: 27" iMac 3.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 16 GB RAM 2TB Serial ATA Drive + 256GB Solid State (boot) Drive AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB GDDR5 Applecare = $3,818.00 !!! Holy Smokes that is insane...that's less than I paid for the laptop I am writing this on ($4200) !! Throw in a thunderbolt expansion chassiby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Matrox express card 34- anyone have one? - 12 years agoAh...didn't know that you wanted to use scopes..thought you were just monitoring.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Matrox express card 34- anyone have one? - 12 years ago...sorry Paul...read your post wrong Why not borrow an HDMI TV set? I have run HDMI out of my 7D to a Zacuto EVF passhrough to an HDMI TV set for monitoring. No sense clogging up the laptopby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: $999 FCP to Avid Symphony crossgrade offer - 12 years agoMaybe not in your market Walter...it is specialized down here in the fact that only one place in my market uses it (AFAIK). I have only seen ONE AD for an operator in my market and it's the same studio over & over. AE has been my bread & butta for 16 years and like strypes mentions...I have had NUKE trainingby grafixjoe - Avid Media Composer Re: Matrox express card 34- anyone have one? - 12 years ago...probably too late, but do you have Thunderbolt? Have you seen this:by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: $999 FCP to Avid Symphony crossgrade offer - 12 years agoBoy I hope SMOKE develops a cross-grade deal. I am ready...just did the shiny new Symphony 6 upgrade and CS6 Production Premium is next. Would love to learn smoke...it is fairly specializedby grafixjoe - Avid Media Composer Re: Evan Schechtman of @RadicalMedia on the State of the NLE - 12 years agoQuoteYeah, never say never...... ...amen brotherby grafixjoe - Café LA - X Re: OT miss the banter - 12 years agoFCPX is a catalyst that made us think...that getting too comfortable with one tool is not such a good thing. It made me personally update my Avid tools which I have not done in 9 years. It HAS pulled us all away from these forums. This was our home for a long time...like a big family. Now we are all just the crazy cousins that see each other only on Thanksgiving and Christmas (maybe). Damn youby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: I cannot believe I am running Symphony 6 on a laptop... - 12 years agoFAST! I too will be upgrading to CS6 soon as well. I just wanted to have the Symphony on my system (wanted the BCC package). Never know when a client may ask for it. I think I will be doing the bulk of my work on CS6 when FCP7 dries up.by grafixjoe - Avid Media Composer Re: Evan Schechtman of @RadicalMedia on the State of the NLE - 12 years ago...one of the main Avid Advocate peeps found out I upgraded to Symphony 6 and asked me today to come back to their forum...the same forum I was a Mod on and was asked to leave 8 years ago because I was talking too much about a new rival technology called Final Cut Pro. Life has a funny way of coming around full circle, don't it?by grafixjoe - Café LA - X Re: Evan Schechtman of @RadicalMedia on the State of the NLE - 12 years agoGotta see this for what it is...this is just one guy's take on the "state of the NLE". Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Agree with you G...Avid history is hard to swallow...proprietary multi gazillion $$ systems (early on)...lousy Customer Service (hours of waiting on support phone calls), etc. Things are changed though with them. I just installed a full blown Symphony 6.0.1 on myby grafixjoe - Café LA - X I cannot believe I am running Symphony 6 on a laptop... - 12 years agoIf you would have told me 20 years ago when I started professionally in Post Production that 20 years in the future I would be running a full blown Symphony on a laptop with a "timeline" full of High Definition footage twice the size of SD and it wouldn't even be breathing hard, I would have thought you were high. Well...just installed my fully upgraded Symphony 6.0.1 on my MBP and I amby grafixjoe - Avid Media Composer Re: sourcing from YouTube - 12 years agoDownload Helper (MEDIA DOWNLOAD & CONVERT FIREFOX EXTENSION):by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: ProRes in Premiere - 12 years agoFill out a Feature Request! Adobe is listening!!by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Adobe's OFFICIAL "Feature Request / Bug Report Form"... - 12 years agoAdobe Production Premium may new to a lot of you who are used to working a certain way. I am here to tell you that Adobe is listening to us all so if you have legit Feature Requests / Bug Reports, Adobe wants to know!! Please DO NOT POST FEATURE REQUESTS on this LAFCPUG website...go HERE (below) and fill out the form!! Fill out as many as you wish: Be descriptive and detailed. Tell them wby grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: My Lacie external hard drive that has all my FCP projects has "corruption of the data on the drive" - 12 years agoAh...back from the dead is this post because these drives die more than the others... Quote "Now yesterday, it stopped showing up on the desktop. Do I do something wrong" Unfortunately, yes. You put your trust in a G-RAID. LaCie + G-Technology stuff is garbage. Hindsight being 20/20, CalDigit is STILL the way to go these last few years in my humble opinion (I have a VR - 2 TB RAIDby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Larry Jordan reveals Apple's FCPX Roadmap - 12 years agoQuoteVery interesting that they are bringing back the dual viewer. Huge move by Apple. * SIGH * I try to avoid these discussions...but they are so silly, I cannot help myself. Look at that statement. How ridiculous is that statement? That an NLE had to "BRING BACK" an edit staple, the Dual Viewer?? Who out there LOVES working with a single monitor? Like I have been saying since thby grafixjoe - Café LA - X Re: Another Game Changer - 12 years agoHDMI OUT? Sure there is: OR... Looks like a cool retro comfy handheld: Looks like a big WINNER to me. Blackmagic kicked a$$ this year @ NAB.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: RIP TV Broadcasting Legend Dick Clark - 12 years agoThank you Dick...for introducing me to The Jackson 5 when I was 6 years old...by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: any news from supermeet/Video links? - 12 years agoIt seems the Supermeet is the only thing I have not heard from...seems everyone else is plugged in this year...live feeds...posted interviews...watching floor shows all around. I have never seen NAB so well represented!by grafixjoe - Café LA OT: RIP TV Broadcasting Legend Dick Clark - 12 years agoA great TV Broadcasting / Music legend has passed. RIP Dick Clark. New Years Eve will never be the same for me...by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: v2 format - 12 years agoAs far as I know there is no such thing as a v2 format. Try adding .mov on the end and see if it opens with Quicktime 7...then do a "Command/I" to get the file info.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: "Are any Broadcast TV shows using FCPX?" - 12 years agoQuote "10.0.4 has been extremely responsive compared to 10.0.3." OK...after, what, a year now? I am still not quite getting the drips and drabs of FCPX praise (more like wishful thinking / dreaming). The 10.0.x release, which people touted as "NOW Apple is listening to the Pros!" broke a lot of the plug-ins - so this is a benefit...how? Another "set-back". More ofby grafixjoe - Café LA - X Adobe Production Premium CS6 revealed @ NAB... - 12 years agoMust have here - all apps are tweaked for Pros...BIGTIME:by grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC Re: De-noise Filters - 12 years agoMagic Bullet Denoiser II (AE only now...soon to be FCP / Premiere / Avid compatible):by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Another Other NLE - 12 years agoMakes sense to me (AE guy 16 years). Let's not hope Adobe senses something and creates "Photoshop X" and discontinues Premiereby grafixjoe - Adobe Premiere Pro CC |