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Re: F BOMB - 13 years agoLos Angeles Post Pros Demonstrating Advancement in New Creative Etiquette = LAPPDANCEby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Politically Incorrect (but sadly true, in many cases) Career Guide - 13 years agoThis chart sucks even if it is a joke. Pfft...just goes to show you the astronomical level of disrespect given to the category of Designer / Compositor / VFX Artist / Colorist (did not even make this "Politically Incorrect" list). "Polishing a turd" belongs to that category big time. The Dairy Owner / Runner / Audience / Blogger / Extra get more love. Attrocious.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: OT-Old Day Editing Systems - 13 years agoVideo Toaster (1991 - 1994) Premiere (1994 - 1998...and now looking at CS 5.5 / CS 6) Avid (1998 - 2003...and now just upgraded to full Media Composer 6) FCP (2003 - present...until FCP7 stops working...then see above minus the toaster)by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: FCP on ebay - 13 years agoQuote "What Steve said is exactly right. The Academic version is identical to the full retail version" LEGALLY you're not allowed to use an Academic version for Commercial work which is why I do not recommend it. It's for LEARNING / TEACHING. I would stick with the FULL RETAIL PKG to keep everything on the up-&-up.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: FCP on ebay - 13 years ago...disagree. FCS3 is a much needed upgrade to FCS2. I bought a version or 2 of software on ebay. The only versions I would ever purchase is FACTORY SEALED RETAIL. BE CAREFUL not to get Academic.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Choosing your next editing and finishing system - 13 years agoI would like to jump in here...I agree with Jude = Price is the issue. I would say $5,000 or less would make it more competitive. Our facility could use such a high end finishing system but 5 seats x $15,000 will never happen when we have to figure the budget for a new camera, light kit, RAID & backup systems, etc. Smoke is very much out of the range of most of the facilities I know of in myby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: OT: joining the union - 13 years agoQuotexavpil said: Thx! Helpful grafixnoe...as usual This forum is to get advices from people who share their experiences. U dont reply "check the FCP user guide" when we have FCP issue. Now if my thread isnt supposed to be posted just use youR "power" as a moderator and delete it ...that is my experience. You want Union information, go to the source (as others have also nby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Which camera is most FCP-friendly: Sony PMWEX1R or HXRNX5U? - 13 years agoThe AVCHD being processor-intensive argument is old. That wouldn't stop me from buying a camera. That said, I would capture to ProRes if I had the chance. The Ninja has gotten good reviews. Cannot capture DSLR footage to it though...stoopid overlays get burned in via HDMIby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Hard drive crash - anyone have luck with Disk Warrior or other program?? - 13 years agoYikes...and now you can lose all your data at breakneck speeds:by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Mac Pros? Something happening? - 13 years ago...I hear a discontinuation is on the horizon (towers). It is a rumor, but if you GOOGLE "discontinue macpros". there's a lot of activity...and it's not good.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Hard drive crash - anyone have luck with Disk Warrior or other program?? - 13 years ago...so that's one more signature on the LACIE SUX petition, right Troy?by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: FCP X dead for Professionals? - 13 years agoQuoteMike Horton said: These will come. Just a matter of time and what 3rd party tackles it. This is just dumb IMHO. They should be there already. It's like buying a new car without windows and going to an auto parts store for them to complete your car. I don't like what Apple did / is doing with FCP. It has nothing to do with being set in my ways. It's just dumb.by grafixjoe - Café LA - X Re: Hard drive crash - anyone have luck with Disk Warrior or other program?? - 13 years ago"Crash" & "LaCie" always end up in the same thread. No surprise. I will second the Disk Warrior suggestion...and avoid LaCies.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: FCP X dead for Professionals? - 13 years agoNo Walter...there's more (not allowed to talk about it)...and it's mind blowing (it is for me, anyway). Just gonna have to wait & seeby grafixjoe - Café LA - X Re: FCP X dead for Professionals? - 13 years agoQuoteRuss Blaise said: I like FCP X and Motion 5, but they crash all the time. ...sorry...you like crashing all the time? Not me. Just received my Media Composer 6 upgrade on Christmas Eve and have knowledge of the upcoming Production Premium CS6 having a "Secret Weapon" for Compositors that will blow your mind (NDA - sorry).by grafixjoe - Café LA - X Re: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! - 13 years agoDitto (except for the bit about going off to the south of the UK to Devon for the Holidays...although I wish we were doing just that). HAPPY CHRISTMAS / HAPPY CHANUKKAH / HAPPY KWANZAA / HAPPY NEW YEAR!!by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: End of FCP?? - 13 years agoFCPX is garbage for my work, IMHO. I am on FCP7 until it disappears and then I am on to Premiere Pro (which I have fully updated in the CS5.5 Production Premium package - and Adobe CARES about their Pro Population) and I just ordered Avid MC6 to cover my all my freelance bases. If I get a call to edit FCPX, I will gladly turn it down. Bu-bye FCP...I knew ye well.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Need stock shots/animation of human heart - 13 years agoThe best site for 3D = TurboSquid: enter "heart animation" or "beating heart" in the search and you will find plenty.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: FCP X dead for Professionals? - 13 years agoPPro is a bad choice??? I do not think so. It's taking over market share of the peeps not going to FCPX (it's more like FCP7 that Avid)...which is pretty substantial to FCP users. FCPX is more of a niche app than ever becoming a standard the way it sits now. This discussion is stale until FCPX comes out with a significant upgrade and TRIES to get back in the race. I am on FCP7 until I can't uby grafixjoe - Café LA - X Re: make video look like a painting - 13 years agoI used ToonIt in After Effects for a "Van Gough Effect" where the brush strokes move (not just an effect laid over the video) - came out pretty excellent and client loved it. Lots of options in ToonIt.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Trying to reduce rendering time - 13 years agoI would not invest any money in a Mac Tower. Rumor has it they are on their way out - announcement to come early 2012. My 2011 Macbook Pro renders just as fast as my 8 Core tower.by grafixjoe - Café LA VFX FILM JOBS @ MPC London on Tim Burton's "Dark Shadows" starring Johnny Depp... - 13 years agoThis is from my personal VFX search engine:by grafixjoe - Jobs Re: 2010 iMac only has USB Ports, need Thunderbolt (?) - 13 years agoWhat is "tape"?by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Speed changes and motion blur - 13 years agoYeah...I don't know about FCPX (throwing furniture at Russ) as have not touched it yet - I hear it BUUUURRRRRNS. I tried that Motion bit. Lousy warpy distorted results. Twixtor is the best out there for this. Have you seen the online test clips with skate boarders & BMX riders??? Incredible. Cost wise, it depends how important the shot is to your production. $565 is a pittance compared toby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: 2010 iMac only has USB Ports, need Thunderbolt (?) - 13 years agoThunderbolt is still an infant. I would contact the drive manufacturers on specs to see if that would work. You want precise Tech Support for your data...not a bunch of editors guessing.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Codec not found - 13 years agoCheck the AJA website for updated AJA Codec info, download & install it.by grafixjoe - Café LA Re: OT: Despite new CPU options, Apple reportedly questioning future of Mac Pro - 13 years agoQuoteTimMirk said: Now there is really no good reason to start anything with FCP 7. ...bingo ...and that should effectively kill FCPX's chances of catching on with the Pro Audience. All the big boyz & girlz are talking Avid now across Social Media. BIG WIN for Avid & new 64-Bit Macbook Pro owners w/ thunderbolt. You will be able to run a full blown Avid System from anywhere now. Thby grafixjoe - Café LA Re: Nice review on new Avid - 13 years agoDontcha love NDAs? ;-) I was really fast on the Avid Express back in the day...cutting 3 - 5 spots a day at the sweat shop ad agency... but the buggy crashy software, proprietary crap hardware, expensive maintenance plans and horrific Customer Service pushed me away from Avid for good in 2003. This is an absolute gamechanger...period. I will definitely be adding MC6 to my kit and pushing it.by grafixjoe - Avid Media Composer Re: OT: Despite new CPU options, Apple reportedly questioning future of Mac Pro - 13 years agoHere, here Ben - I would buy that Apple Veyronby grafixjoe - Café LA |