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Re: Keyframe copy/paste - 16 years agoMy workaround too. I just wondering if Im missing something. Definitely feature request...by Jupi - Café LA Re: Keyframe copy/paste - 16 years agoOk, I wasn't clear enough. I want to copy keyframe into the same clip. Like in AFX - you have keyframe and if you want to copy it, you are able to do so.by Jupi - Café LA Keyframe copy/paste - 16 years agoIs there a way to copy a keyframe in FCS? I made keyframe 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and after that I want to copy kf 2 and put it after kf 5. Hope I was clear enoughby Jupi - Café LA Re: Mac Pro Render - 16 years agoAnother quest: According to my activity monitor, FCS uses all 8 cpu's but at cca. 10% each. Any clue how to boost?by Jupi - Café LA Re: Mac Pro Render - 16 years agoI just did some tests and for now everything ia working well. Maybe you skipped this part: In Compressor, when you submit your batch, make sure you submit to that new QuickCluster, NOT This Computer. or do the qmaster setup carefully again.by Jupi - Café LA Re: Mac Pro Render - 16 years agoI found it! This exactly explains my problem: Go to Qmaster Prefs in your system prefs. If everything is greyed out hit Stop Sharing in the bottom right or unlock it if its locked. Choose Share this Comp as QuickCluster with Services. Under Services check Share and then clicked Managed for Compressor, rendered is only really used for Shake or other apps. Click Options for selected sby Jupi - Café LA Mac Pro Render - 16 years agoHi all, long time... I have tried to find in old posts something about cpu and rendering from fcs or compressor but... So, I have Mac Pro 8 core 3.0 and I notice when I put file in Compressor, MP8 use only one cpu to render audio and half of all 8 cpu to render video. Is there any way to boost them to render at full "speed"?by Jupi - Café LA Re: Changing time to multiple stills - 17 years agoSet up in the "user preferences" Still/Freeze Duration to 3 sec then reimport all stills in your project.by Jupi - Café LA Re: Quality of imported stills in FCP - 17 years agoYou have an image sequence made of jpeg stills? Try to export same sequence from QT in mov with animation codec. Maybe will help.by Jupi - Café LA Re: mpeg2 conversion - in Cleaner 6 or DVD Studio Pro 3? - 17 years agoIt means that,unfortunately, you don't have mpeg2 codec. Look at here and here is very useful.by Jupi - Café LA Re: mpeg2 conversion - in Cleaner 6 or DVD Studio Pro 3? - 17 years agoTry to use QT export to mpeg2. You will receive .m2v with.aiff audio. (You can also see the size of the file in the options window). Then convert .aiff of the same file in A.Pack audio and you will receive .aac audio file. Put these two in the DVDSP and build it somewhere on HD. After that just put the folder in Toast titanium and burn it under the DVD-ROM (UDF) option.by Jupi - Café LA Dvd@ccess - urgent! - 19 years agoHi all, I have to solve my problem very fast so please help. In the main menu of my dvd project I made one link to web site. Everithing function extraordinary on Mac but.. Windows OS based computers wont open internet explorer and link to web page like my Mac. What to do? I have read some reviews of DVDSP2 and something about the project folder named contains dvd@ccby Jupi - DVD Studio Pro Re: Buttons don't go to target - 19 years agosorry for my bad english Im running G5 dp 2.5 / 4gb ram, all my software is legal so I exclude crack bugs or bad features. Ok, I have project in dvdsp4 with 9 slideshows, 80 +1 (intro) v/a track, and 3 menus. Menues are jpeg inported in dvdsp and set like backdrop. Buttons are square window, selected from template shape/apple window. Im not familiar with scripting so I linked all manually. Fromby Jupi - DVD Studio Pro Re: uncompressed dv - 19 years agoThanks Nick, I ordered BlackMagic in Italy. Price is 420 euro. Hope that will satisfy my needs. Jupi ----------- www.kreativni.hrby Jupi - Café LA uncompressed dv - 19 years agohi to all, what is the best way to get uncompressed shoots from betacam sp to my computer? I want to do some chromakeying but shoots that I digitize via firewire is compressed to dv pal so I have lot of artefacts around... I already read lot of posts here about that matter but nothing newest. I have G5 dp 2.5 and FCPStudio and no capturing card that, I supose, will help me do this job. If you havby Jupi - Café LA Re: 1 track to L&R channel - 19 years agoYes, but you will have diologue out of both speakers.by Jupi - Café LA Re: 1 track to L&R channel - 19 years agoSelect audio on the timeline, press ALT+L to unlink stereo channels then delete track with no audio. Duplicate audio track, select again both audio lines and hit ALT+L again to make stereo pair. Jupiby Jupi - Café LA Re: Importing Digital Stills as Movie Frames - 19 years agoNo, but you can use QuickTime to import image sequence and then export to mov. Jupiby Jupi - Café LA Re: Mp3 coversion - 19 years agoEasy way for me is to open mp3 in QuickTime and export .aiff to project folder. 48000 kHz 16 bit (set in QT by default). Jupiby Jupi - Café LA Re: Freeze and now audio on print to tape - 19 years agoMake shure that all parts of your project is on the same disk. Mabe you have something on your external disk or second disc who goes in sleep during print to tape action. My spelling is worst ) Jupiby Jupi - Café LA Re: Lafcp Clips & Tricks Of The Month - 19 years ago>>>> What about clip exchanging? >> clip exchange is nice if the clips are duty free and doesnt violate copywrite. I am always looking for footage and i know i aint the only person tired of paying for footage i could have gotten on vacation:-) That's the general idea... we could make some "member" place of lafcpug to exchange video material for free. And YES materialby Jupi - Café LA Re: Lafcp Clips & Tricks Of The Month - 19 years agoWhat about clip exchanging? I have good shoots of Croatian landscapes, sea, people, little bit of everything that may be interesting for music video, docs... Hope that is not so bad idea since we all have fast internet connections. Jupi ----- Kreativni odjel d.o.o. - tr?i?ne komunikacije i multimedijska produkcija Koblerov trg 1, 51000 Rijeka tel. 051 / 323 636 (10 - 22 h) mob. 098 / 98 28 16by Jupi - Café LA |