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Avid Resources - 11 years agoHello peeps Having been in a world of FCP & Xsan for many years I am now being thrust into to the wonders of Avid Symphony & ISIS 7000 blah blah etc. So my question is, where are the best sources to gen up on this stuff? Any MailLists like Apples? or the usual suspect post prod forums? I want to spend some time going through historical stuff and start to learn a thing or two... I wiby Jake - Avid Media Composer Re: combining 2 dvds into 1 - 15 years agoI would advise using .txt files for chapters in case you ever need to redo a track with lots of chapters. Are your two project just simple 1 track projects? we need to know a bit more about the two discs to be able to advise better. As Hal says though, unless you know how to use spec editor type apps it is not that easy!!by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Copy Protection on DVD Studio Pro not working - 15 years agoHey all, Technically you can output to DVD-R for submitting pre-masters which are for a Copy Protected run. You can either use DVD-R (A) (Authoring Media) which requires an authoring drive. Not many people/places have these. Or you can output DDP/CMF filesets to the HDD and burn those to DVD-R for delivery. Far more common and cheaper than sending a hard drive. Make sure your rep house knowby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: CSS - 15 years agoIf you want to add CSS flags to a DVD-R master you'll need to burn a DDP image to the disc and make sure the Rep house know how to deal with it. It is very important you and they are clear on what is being supplied and what is required during mastering. When you burn a DDP image to disc it wont be playable in a player! You won't be able to check it in the normal way you probably do so you mayby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: No Skipping First Play - 15 years agoThe 1st play prob wont be a menu and you shouldn't use the "not set" advise above. Set the First Play to your Warning Track (or whatever item you want) and with it selected go to the User Operations (UOPs) tab in the Track Inspector. Disable the UOPs as you wish. If you disable them all they won't even be able to Stop the DVD!!by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: DVD won't play in certain players - 15 years agoIf it flatout won't play, as oppose to stuttering etc, then usually the issue could be: - Burn speed. You're burning too fast. - Your media. You are not using A-Grade manufactured media. - You're burning the disc outside of dvdsp and doing it incorrectly. But there are a bunch of other issues it could be!! YES Brand does kinda matter but the manufacturer more so and yep +/- can matterby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: DvdSp's layout - 15 years agoYou should make the dvdsp Project Region ALL and output a .img out of DVDSP and use that. In Toast or Disk Utility etc. If you want to use Toast, newer versions will remove the .LAY & .layout files if you use the from VIDEO_TS folder option as well as adding the AUDIO_TS folder. BUT you still should flag the build as Region ALL with MyDVDEDit or another editor. Then burn. If you must usby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Build/Format Error as I was trying to burn a dvd...UGH! - 15 years agoHi there, It says 'No Video or Still Assets found in Track Slideshow 1' so you have a empty slideshow in your project. Just delete it or use it and try again...by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: still cant deliver my FCP project using DVDSP - 15 years agoApple stop at 120mins cause they know after that you're going to be making a pretty poor looking DVD(-R) (in general). But you can make a 150min preset easy by duping the 120 min one and changing the Avg. bitrate to 3.8 and saving it as a 150 min preset... Use a bitrate calc to help you figure this stuff out:by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: still cant deliver my FCP project using DVDSP - 15 years ago1. >7) Click on Burn DVD and it will be done; DVD SP will select the best settings. DVDSP does not choose the best settings it uses the setting you setup in the Prefs! in this case the SD DVD ones (Encoding > MPEG-2 SD). 2. Use ref movies unless you come accross issues with this workflow and can't figure out the issues for the problems. 3. Use Compressor 3 not Compressor 2 nor DVDSP.by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: CAN YOU INCREASE THE SOUND VOLUME IN DVD - 15 years agoThe point is, you never mention the DVD Players volume... You need to make sure the computers volume is up AND the DVD Players volume is up... Also you may want to check your Dolby settings have: Dialog Norm: -31 dBFS Comp Preset: None Un-check L-P Filter & DC filter.by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: CAN YOU INCREASE THE SOUND VOLUME IN DVD - 15 years agoIt should be noted that even if your volume is set to max you still need to change the volume of the player too... like with iTunes. It also sounds as though you could be in luck(ish). Cause it sounds like you wouldn't have encoded your audio to AC3, sorry if that assumption is wrong. Either way though, as strypes says you're living on the edge not backing up. Anyway you can use a tool like SQby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: How do I generate ISO files from DVD Studio Pro - 15 years agoAnkawa wasn't much help but you can output a .img file and rename it. Output YOUDVD.img and rename it YOURDVD.iso pretty simple! You can do this in iDVD or DVDSP4.... or burn the disc and make a ISO image from that. Go ado... be... I do like some Adobe products but Encore has no scripting or a whole heap of other features so I wouldn't rush off too quick to it. The biggest problem I see isby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Returning to a Menu's Loop Point- highlighting Next - 15 years agoYou could open the Build up in MyDVDEdit and debug the commands. This is quite advanced stuff! but depending of your level you could see what dvdsp is really doing. Even add a command or two to make sure the right highlight is being selected. fyi - dvdsp often messes up the real programming being created... Simulator & DVD Player are software apps and not that expensive. Basically they'by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: English language code error message = no burn - 15 years agoYou have added another Language to the Project. You can't have two of the same so delete the added English-2 language and re-build. In the Outline view you'll see Languages listed on the left, Jakeby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: why pc cannot read dvd from dvd sp - 15 years agoBuild the Project and then Format it to the hard drive. You will be making a Disc Image. To do that, in the Format window change the output device to Hard Drive and img will auto select. Then save the image which you can use in another app. The other apps allow you to burn at slower speeds which may or may not be one of the issues you're having. We don't really know what is happening with yourby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Audio level on background music - 15 years agoNo problem. BUT it is a feature that Apple should have added a long with a whole list of others!! Shame they stopped developing dvdsp...by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: why pc cannot read dvd from dvd sp - 15 years agoalioshka Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >As I tried to watch it in a Pc doesn't work. Anybody knows why? The PC has a DVD drive right? not a CD only drive. What does doesn't work mean? Error message, stutter in playback etc? What player(s) have you tried? Go back to your project, make it Region ALL by checking Region 7 and then output a image. Try burby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Audio level on background music - 15 years agoNo it is not possible within dvdsp. You need to do it outside of the app and re-import or re-link etc.by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Simple Question - next chapter not going directly to end jump - 15 years agoThis is not a very 'DVD' thing you want to do. It is not normal practice and dvdsp 3 did not do this automatically What you can do is go to the connections tab and in the advanced view you'll see a Next Jump option. Set the Tracks Next Jump to the Menu. The downside to this is that some players will not display timecode in the LCD etc for reasons I won't go into!by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Dual authoring - A DVD with a menu and a digital copy for MP3 players - 15 years agoBluecast Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >Now, how do I create a ROM folder > in the root of the DVD? Ok sorry for not giving the instructions! What you basically have to do is, make a folder, Project Name or whatever, on your hard drive. Then make another folder in that called whatever you want or something generic like ROM_DATA or DIGITAL FILES.by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Inspector First Play drop down menu blank - 15 years agocharlie909 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > wish i have discovered FCS remover or the > softwares alike earlier. I think everyone has felt like that at some pointby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Q re menu buttons - 15 years agoOh and the other option at the bottom of the menu, Play all loop, would be yet another Story with all the Chapter Entries in. 5 Chapters in this example, in the correct order, 1-5, which is basically same as duplicating the Track but without increasing project size. All you need to do is set the End Jump & Menu Call option different to Track 1, Cheersby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Q re menu buttons - 15 years agoIt depends how many options you have. You only have a finite amount of Tracks, Stories & Slideshows you can use in dvdsp and a finite amount of chapters as well as Menu buttons per Menu. If you are within the bounds that dvdsp allows then the best way to do it would be, in basic terms: Project has 5 movies. Track1 - Track with all 5 movies broken up by chapter markers. That is the Plby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Who pays for your Macs? - 15 years agoHmmm this is a bit of an odd one... but here goes anyway... I pay for "my" Macs and all the software on them. (Mac Pro & MacBook Pro etc) Work pay for "their" Macs, Servers, RAIDS & software then I try to keep them working... I like to have the Mac Pro and the MBP (laptop) @ home cause I can separate my time. If I am in my 'office' giving the Mac Pro a good smby Jake - Café LA Re: Setting the MENU button to go to the CHAPTERS Menu - 15 years agoSelect the Chapter Marker, then in the Marker Inspector Menu you'll see the Remote Control section. Set the Menu drop down to the Button on the Menu you want to return to durning that Chapter. Do the same for the others, Hope that helps,by Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: DVD Burner lifespan... - 15 years agoHi Charlie, You cannot control the burnspeed in DVDSP. If you're burning standard DVD-R's then you should output a .img to the harddrive and burn with Disk Utility (10.5.x). Or a 3rd party app of your choice like Toast. Depending on your drive & blank media combo you'll have various speed option available to you. Burn as slow as you can if you're going to replication. Recordable +DL disby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Q re menu buttons - 15 years agoHi Walter, I am not sure why a) is different to Play all or why b) is not the same as Play all & Loop? For a) Target the Track and set the Tracks End Jump/Menu Call to Button 1. For b) Select the Track, add a Story. Add the Chapter Entr(y)(ies) to the Story (so you have duplicated the Track without adding to the Projects size). Now set Button 2's Target to the Story and the Stories Mby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Jumping to a still during video - 15 years agoHi Carl, Look up Buttons Over Video (BOV). You'll want to jump to a Menu and then Resume if you want playback to continue in your Track from where the User left, otherwise just End Jump to the nearest Chapter, Good luckby Jake - DVD Studio Pro Re: Inspector First Play drop down menu blank - 15 years agoDoes the same happen with a new blank Project? If you're using Leopard you may need to roll back a few OS's or update to DVDSP4. FCS Remover but there are others. Hope you got things sortedby Jake - DVD Studio Pro |