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Re: Original files question - clearing space for new projects - 16 years agoUh, one more question on this. If I imported all these files into a DVD-Pro project, the files were compressed and spit out into a different format. That file is the one used by DVD-Pro, but does it still reference the original media files? What I mean is, could I still burn a fresh DVD from that compressed file if I have deleted the originals?by Jamie Austad - Café LA Re: Original files question - clearing space for new projects - 16 years agoThank you! My tapes are timecoded. But I don't do anything special when I capture - I did start doing batch capture, marking in/out points and logging clips, just writing basic keyword descriptions and naming each clip so I know what it is. So if I delete the original media files from my Capture Scratch folder, and one day I need to re-capture them, I can do this by using the clips that refeby Jamie Austad - Café LA Original files question - clearing space for new projects - 16 years agoWhen one finishes a project and sends off the goods, what do you do with all the original files taking up space on the hard drive? Should I go buy a portable hard drive dedicated to storing captured video files, just in case that client loses or damages their DVD? Or do you just delete the files from Capture Scratch, hoping you'll never need them again? This feels quite scary to me, even thoby Jamie Austad - Café LA Process choices greyed out - 16 years agoI have what I hope is a pretty basic question - I just exported a multi-track project from FCP into STP, with the intent of reducing noise. The sequence arrived just fine, and I can select clips. It seems I can use any of the functions in the Edit menu on a selected clip, but I cannot use anything in the Process menu, which is where the Reduce Noise and Set Noise Print tools live. Is thereby Jamie Austad - Soundtrack Pro Re: New Project - Dogs - 16 years agoOkay, so take the transitions out and just leave the hard cuts. And take out the fourth and fifth shot of the dog splashing across the water... is this basically the gist? I feel like such a hack. The tools are so powerful and attractive, I want to make the client happy, but I want it to be GOOD, and it seems like it's so hard to pinpoint exactly what that is... I know when I'm making a painby Jamie Austad - Show and Tell New Project - Dogs - 16 years agoI would like feedback on a project I'm just finishing up for a client. I am open to criticism and advice - it's obvious I shot the whole thing handheld and I could stand a lot of improvement on my shooting skills (is it just a matter of muscle strength and paying attention to horizon?) I tried to edit as best I could with no real "story." The story is just a couple hours spent withby Jamie Austad - Show and Tell Throwing an object offscreen - 16 years agoI am trying to use Throw to move a rectangle from center screen to offscreen. I feathered the edges of the rectangle, and I'm finding that instead of moving smoothly off the screen, in the last few frames of the behavior the edge of the shape makes a sudden disappearance. I have a hunch that it's because of the feathering... maybe once the "solid" part of the shape makes it off-screenby Jamie Austad - Motion Re: Party dogs - 16 years agoOkay, that makes a lot of sense and I see the error of what I did. I watched it without the music and then I watched it with a different song, totally different rhythm, and I think I actually liked the feel of it better, maybe not because of the song but because the visual image didn't hug the sound so tight. I did know you shouldn't edit to the music but I think it can be an easy trap to fallby Jamie Austad - Show and Tell Re: Party dogs - 16 years agoThanks for the feedback... what kind of changes would you make to the dissolves? I added a few but I left a lot of the cuts without any dissolve because of the music - the dissolves wound up being distracting to me because the tempo of the soundtrack felt too quick. Do you disagree there?by Jamie Austad - Show and Tell Party dogs - 16 years agoOkay, I am embarrassed to put this up because I am a complete novice and this doesn't compare with any of the work I've looked at in this list. But I am putting it up anyway because I want to get better, so please feel free to point out good and bad. The shots are all handheld (very obviously) on a DVX100b in a hotel lobby, so the lighting was horrible and I tried to figure out which filtersby Jamie Austad - Show and Tell Re: Transitions only affecting one frame - 16 years agoThat is possible, though I try to render as I go so I can see what's going on. I think it's looking pretty good... just one transition that has a glitch I couldn't fix without shifting the whole project out of sync with the soundtrack... Lesson: Handles are so important!!by Jamie Austad - Café LA Re: Transitions only affecting one frame - 16 years agoThank you mok, Nick & Piero - this forum is such a great resource and I am most appreciative! I did remove the subclip limits for all the subclips in the sequence, and in almost all cases this enabled me to add the transitions I wanted to. I did not use the DV Start/Stop Detect method of capture, but I still noticed that the transitions were not as smooth as I wanted them to be; they wereby Jamie Austad - Café LA Re: Transitions only affecting one frame - 16 years agoUuuuuhhhhhhnnnn.... I thought as long as there were handles on the original clips, I wouldn't need them on the subclips because the program could grab the media from the original capture files... No? Major headache. I guess this is what's known as learning the hard way. The whole project is made up of these subclips. Is there a way to add handles to the subclips without starting all overby Jamie Austad - Café LA Transitions only affecting one frame - 16 years agoHello, I'm pretty inexperienced with FCP and having some trouble with video transitions in my current project. Early in the editing process I added a cross-fade with no problem. Now I'm nearly finished with it and ready to add transitions all the way through, only each time I try to add one it only affects one frame after the cut instead of the default of straddling the cut with a number of fraby Jamie Austad - Café LA Re: Which machine for FCP Studio? - 18 years agoI went to find that earlier thread on the topic and all the info has been helpful. Thanks to all of you for your time and advice! Hopefully I will be back on this forum in the near future with questions about using the software (but I do promise to think and try to find the answers myself before harrassing you who have the experience and know-how). Jamieby Jamie Austad - Café LA Which machine for FCP Studio? - 18 years agoI don't even have a Mac yet but I want to use FCP and the software bundled with the Studio suite. I have been told that I could get by with a mini, but at the Apple store they told me I would need to get the Mac Pro desktop or the MacBook Pro to run the software. I figure they WOULD tell me that at the retail shop, but I don't know whether to believe them or not. I would love some advice bby Jamie Austad - Café LA |