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Compressor Cluster gives error message when trying to attach Caption (.scc) files - 13 years agoHello, We have a 3 XServer Cluster controlled by a 4'th XServer (Our FCServer machine). My workflow is: Source Video: 1920X1080 ProRes Video (28:30min) Resized to 640X360 ProRes LT (also de interlaced and some black restore and sharpening applied here) Encoded 640X360 to H.264 at 750Kb.Sec - .scc files defines in "Additional Information" tab in Compressor at this point. Thisby nveer - Compressor - Media Compression and Conversion How to Force Baseline in Compressor - 14 years agoI am encoding videos for a podcast. Naturally I want to make sure it is playable on all the apple devices. I had been using a slightly modified version of the standard iPod setting that comes in Compressor. However, it seemed like overkill. I knew I could achieve the same or better quality at a lesser data rate if I went with y own H.264 settings from scratch. The problem I'm running intoby nveer - Compressor - Media Compression and Conversion Re: Video Compression Recipes Free Webinar - Come Learn + Free Prizes! - 14 years agoDid this webinar get recorded and placed online anywhere for on-demand viewing?by nveer - News and Announcements Sound Track Pro Alternative - 14 years agoHi everyone, As much as I love SoundTrack Pro, especially it's ability to be automated, since moving to HD it crashes and fails to finish saving more than not. I'm looking for alternatives. Apps on my list are ProTools (don't like real time bounces though) Peak Logic Nuendo Cubase T-Racks My one big issue is that SoundTrack Pro seams to be the only app that lets me import a .mov fby nveer - Café LA SoundTrack Pro Can't save error - 14 years agoMy Work flow: Source video = ProRes HQ QuickTime file stored on a Fiber attached XSAN I drop the Quicktime file (stereo audio) into Sound Track Pro. -Adjust audio levels and do some mild dynamic compression Choose "File/Save as" and ad an "a" at the end for the file to signify new audio levels Confirm that the file needs to be flattened. STP goes through the saviby nveer - Café LA SoundTrack Pro "This Document could not be saved" error - 14 years agoMy Work flow: Source video = ProRes HQ QuickTime file stored on a Fiber attached XSAN I drop the Quicktime file (stereo audio) into Sound Track Pro. -Adjust audio levels and do some mild dynamic compression Choose "File/Save as" and ad an "a" at the end for the file to signify new audio levels Confirm that the file needs to be flattened. STP goes through the saviby nveer - Soundtrack Pro Compressor's Noise Reduction: anybody actually use it? - 14 years agoSo I've been using Compressor for some time now and consider myself an advanced user. Most of the source footage I encode looks great and is fun to work with. Then there's those pieces that you get that require some work before you encode them. I've been using JES Video Cleaner and Neat Noise Reduction with a good bit of success for noise removal. But both are pretty slow. I've never hadby nveer - Café LA Re: Matrox Compress HD either on Mac or PC Chapters Markers dont work .... - 14 years agoDo we know if they included multipass encoding with these new drivers?by nveer - Compressor - Media Compression and Conversion Re: 1080p30 vs 1080i60 - 14 years agoWhile I appreciate the time you took Jeff to explain the details of Film vs digital Video, that was not the question I was asking. You also didn't explain why you feel you should never shoot at 1080p30. I ask this question in light of a daily TV show I work on. It is a talk show. We recently upgraded to HD cameras and the decisions was made to shoot in 1080i60. The reason for doing thisby nveer - Café LA 1080p30 vs 1080i60 - 14 years agoI want to open this "hot can of worms" one more time as it seems there is a good bit of unnecessary confusion and I want to make sure I'm thinking right. I've been told that 1080i (at 60 fps) looks like video and 1080p (at 30 fps) looks like Film. My understanding is that regardless of resolution (1080, 720 or 480 for that matter) the film vs video look is achieved more by the frameby nveer - Café LA Re: Matrox CompressHD for Mac - Now Shipping! - 15 years agoSo I finally got to the bottom of this. Matrox has not yet developed their software to include the ability to recognize scene changes on it's own. Compressor currently has the ability to analyze the source footage and recognize scene changes and insert a Keyframe there. Pretty major issue if you ask me. If all you're doing is testing a 2 min clip of the same basic footage then the car willby nveer - News and Announcements Re: Product Review: Matrox CompressHD races to the H.264 finish line - 15 years agoSo I finally got to the bottom of this. Matrox has not yet developed their software to include the ability to recognize scene changes on it's own. Compressor currently has the ability to analyze the source footage and recognize scene changes and insert a Keyframe there. Pretty major issue if you ask me. If all you're doing is testing a 2 min clip of the same basic footage then the car willby nveer - News and Announcements Re: Product Review: Matrox CompressHD races to the H.264 finish line - 15 years agoWell I've been testing this card for some time now. I've been in touch with their engineers. In fact I had a conference call with their entire development staff including a gentleman names Jean Lapierre the head of development for Mac. They were very gracious and kind and even offered to take a look at my original settings and create a custom setting that would kick out the same specs as whatby nveer - News and Announcements Re: Matrox CompressHD for Mac - Now Shipping! - 15 years agoWell I've been testing this card for some time now. I've been in touch with their engineers. In fact I had a conference call with their entire development staff including a gentleman names Jean Lapierre the head of development for Mac. They were very gracious and kind and even offered to take a look at my original settings and create a custom setting that would kick out the same specs as whatby nveer - News and Announcements Re: Matrox CompressHD for Mac - Now Shipping! - 15 years agoI just got one of these and am putting it to the test on my daily encodes. I currently encode a daily Tv show that i receive at 720X486 ProRes(HQ) and encode to an H.264 Flash file at 432X324 at 550 K/Sec. Using COmpressor Only I'm getting very satisfying results. So far, the speed of the CompressHD has been awesome, but I am unable to achieve similar quality to what I'm getting with Compressoby nveer - News and Announcements Re: Ken Block Gymkhana 2 - 15 years agoGreat job cutting this! I had to rewind a few times and pay attention to the cuts as I missed them the first time around. That is exactly what you want. You did a great job here!by nveer - Show and Tell Audio Compressor Meters - 15 years agoHi everyone, I'm throwing this out there incase there's something I simply don't know about. I would love to have visible meters when I'm applying a compressor filter to the audio of my video. I can drop a compressor on it and mess with the settings, but I can't see how many db I'm actually compressing. Does anyone know of a 3'd part plug in or anything, really that would allow me to have vby nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoI'm going to try that for sure. I always thought that was only needed if you were changing the frame rate. Am I mistaken?by nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoInteresting. What I can't figure out is if I encode it in something other than Compressor, MpegStreamclip or even something like HandBrake it doesn't show up. It's only in Compressor.by nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoOk so here's a link to the video showing the color switch. video: It happens right at: 00:00:25:18 Here's a snapshot of my frame controls settings I used on it Here's a screenshot of the Brightness/Contrast Settings I used. Does that help at all? I'm not sure I completely understood your question(s), so I tried to post my settings in hopes that it will help answer them. Thby nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoThanks for your response! I haven't noticed a muddiness. It's more than a gamma switch too as the color tone or temperature of the picture flips from a warm color to a cold yellowy tone. Someone mentioned it could be that it is flip flopping in the deinterlace process from top to bottom etc.... That almost makes sense, except I'm not sure what I would do to combat that. Can you shed anby nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoOk so I take it back. I thought it was the Noise Reduction Filter, but now it's still doing it. It seems to be the Color (mid tones) filter that is doing it. So no one else has run into this? I'm using the ProRes codec now for my pre-encoding work. Looks much better. Thanks.by nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoThanks for the questions. I'll do my best to answer them. I receive an mpeg IMX tape that I capture in FCP at 8bit uncompressed via a Kona 3 card. The footage is from a DVD product which we produce and sell. So it's definitely legal. It is also been through post production and ready for distribution. I then export that video from FCP as a Quicktime (uncompressed 8 bit) file to then proby nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoWell, I guess that's one way to help. Don't want to make this a personal disagreement, but there's a huge community on this forum that take broadcast material and make it available via web. No offense to you but I think I'll hold out for someone else to respond to this post as I always get awesome help here and try to contribute as well. Hope I haven't offended you, but I think we're cominby nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoThe video I get has already been edited, comped, overlayed with graphics, and color corrected. It's broadcast ready. I mentioned above that this is usually distributed on a DVD for Sale. I am working on a version that would allow the customer to download the file instead of wait for a DVD to be mailed to them. They key here is that what I'm doing is not video color correction. It's pre-proby nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoI'm not as much doing color correction as I am prep work for encoding. I'm also not working ot of FInalcut except to capture my video. I'm strictly talk about encoding material here. So to put it into "Color" would be way too much detail and control for what I'm doing. I'm basically wanting to get the video to the point that the encoder will do a better job of it. My current workflby nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoI may have overcomplicated my explaining. Basically the idea behind what I'm doing is to first do all of my resizing, cropping and "tweaking" to the video, then encode it to an H.264 encoded mp4 file. So it's a 2 step process. By doing my color adjustments as well as all the other filtering, first I'm hoping to feed the encoder a better video. One that is easier to encode. Do youby nveer - Café LA Re: Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoWould the codec be at faulty? Should I be using a JPEG export on this original file?by nveer - Café LA Compressor-Resize and pre-encode results in weird Color switching during playback - 15 years agoHi everyone, I've returned to the smartet forum I know of. Currently I am working on a project. The end goal is to have a video file Approx 1.2 gigs (give or take). The video will be made available for download as a purchase. The videos is currently available for purchase on a DVD which is mailed to the client. I am currently working on cropping the original footage (Captured 8 bit uncoby nveer - Café LA Re: Resize in Compressor or FCP? - 15 years agoDude, what a gret article and a great example. I've been sizing and encoding all at once. I have been using frame controls which made a big difference, but seeing your example has re-inspired me to use a two step process again. I encode a daily tv show, so time is of the essence. I have a cluster with: 8Core Mac Pro 5 Dual Processor G5's and a Dual G4 tower Typically I capture my oby nveer - Café LA |