how do I watch avi movies?
October 24, 2005 07:16PM


I've been using edonkey do download movies.
I can watch the mpges ones great,
but what do I have to do to watch the avi?

Do I need to convert them?
Or download some special software to viem them?

I have a Dual 2ghz G5, using FCP 5, quicktime pro, MPEG streamclip, RealPlayer

thanks for the help
Re: how do I watch avi movies?
October 24, 2005 07:44PM
QuickTime Player plays AVIs and so does Final Cut Pro.
Re: how do I watch avi movies?
October 30, 2005 01:13AM
Hi Snir,

Go to They have a great AVI and WMV player add on. I was able to view a 327 meg file WMV file that wouldn't even play on my PC, but with this codec can view it on my Power Mac.

They have a try before you buy so you can make sure that it will work for you.


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