Voice Changer Effect

Posted by Darren 
Voice Changer Effect
March 16, 2006 03:00AM
I found this one website once that had a voice changing effect software (I believe freewar that was for the PC. this changer had samples of his voice that sounded like the radio effect in the Star Wars Stormtroopers voices complete with the keying off sound..pshhht.

Does anyone know a program like this for the Mac?
Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 16, 2006 09:58AM
For the "over and out" buzz, find some white noise from a video tape. Not sure if Soundtrack Pro has it, but worth a try. Or just hook up an analog VCR to a TV with a bad signal.

As for changing voices, if you're not changing pitch or speed (FCP can't do one without the other), then EQing, High/Low Pass filters and Reverb can usually get you radio, distant and masked voices. Try using EQ to dip all high and low frequencies and increase the mids; you'll get a hollow effect. A High Pass filter set to around 2000 or 3000 also gives a nice radio/walkie-talkie voice.
Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 16, 2006 10:38AM
Thanks Derek. I will try this. I didn't even think about using whit noise for keying off. I have a white noise sound effect.

*slapping forehead* DOH!
Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 16, 2006 01:14PM
GarageBand has a voice changer filter.

Kevin Monahan
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Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 16, 2006 06:35PM

FUTZING or how to make your audio sound like it is coming out a speaker

David at Movies Rock in Toronto
Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 17, 2006 10:23AM
AHA!!! I found it! But now I see that it was NOT a software program, but a HARDWARE unit... that's why when I tried Googling "software" it never came up within the first 5 pages.

Here it is for those that are interested. It even has audios samples of how it sounds... grinning smiley grinning smiley

You can do the stormtrooper, cylons fromthe original Battlestar Galactica etc...

Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 17, 2006 10:25AM
AHA!!! I found it! But now I see that it was NOT a software program, but a HARDWARE unit... that's why when I tried Googling "software" it never came up within the first 5 pages.

Here it is for those that are interested. It even has audios samples of how it sounds... grinning smiley grinning smiley

You can do the stormtrooper, cylons fromthe original Battlestar Galactica etc...


Anonymous User
Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 17, 2006 11:17AM
That looks like it's intended for live speech.

Are you looking to record this fresh, or to augment audio already recorded? I don't think it'll work for already recorded audio.

But, I could be wrong. I'd check into it before I spent my good money on it, though.

Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 17, 2006 11:59AM
You are right Deb.

I couldn't remember at the time if the product was software or hardware, but it is intended for live speech. I'm not interested in purchasing it now knowing that it is a hardwar and not some software. It was just bugging me that I couldn't remember where I found it.

smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 17, 2006 12:36PM
Ahhhh...well, then, that's different!

I'd recommend what the others did, futz with rolling off the highs and lows and punching up the mid frequencies, or try the GarageBand filter Kevin mentioned.

This is a pretty easy effect to achieve, and a filter package is probably overkill, unless it's free in GarageBand!

Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 17, 2006 03:11PM
Try Audacity, a free audio editor with lots of effects, at [audacity.sourceforge.net].


Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 17, 2006 03:27PM
Nice lead, Scott -- I'd definitely love to check this out when I get home.
Re: Voice Changer Effect
March 17, 2006 03:41PM

Someone mentioned that program as well on another forum. I downloaded it but haven't had the chance to mess with it. But having a few others like yourself recommend it makes it wortwhile to look at.
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