OT New Google Venture

Posted by Sean 
OT New Google Venture
April 24, 2006 11:04PM
I literally stumbled upon this article Hmmm what would this mean for us film editors.


Re: OT New Google Venture
April 25, 2006 05:44AM
It could mean a continual, agonising and frustrative search for your material, as you get the "bad gateway" message up over and over and over and over...again.
Re: OT New Google Venture
April 25, 2006 09:39AM
You would store your "film editor" projects on a public server??


It means nothing for serious Editors / Designers except bandwidth problems.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: OT New Google Venture
April 25, 2006 11:35AM
NO i didn't mean store projects online or any important stuff i was refering to sharing projects between clients and editors and editors and other editors i would never "store" a project file online again i was refering to "sharing"

Re: OT New Google Venture
April 25, 2006 01:46PM
isnt this pretty much like a .mac thing?
Re: OT New Google Venture
April 25, 2006 02:55PM
ehh its kinda like .mac i guess from how i understand it is it will be a drive letter maby another difference that's being talked about is it will be free and unlimited space. One thing that has to be considered in that yea this seems far fetched but look at everything else google does for one gmail.

I would venture a guess that google is pretty reliable they won't put this out unless they are confident in it.

my 2 cents

Re: OT New Google Venture
April 27, 2006 02:47PM
And they used to say "Let's look at it on the Moviola!"

Let's look at it on the Google?

The Google?

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