G% on Tiger 10.4.3 down!!!

Posted by Phil 
G% on Tiger 10.4.3 down!!!
May 09, 2006 05:13AM
New G5 2 x 2.7 processors w/ 2 Gb SDRAM on Tiger 10.4.3 running After Effects with an internal RAID of 1 TB. Working on After Effects when a black screen came up filling screen saying you need to restart your computer. Restart using power button and machine freezes on the apple logo. Apollo 13...
Re: G% on Tiger 10.4.3 down!!!
May 09, 2006 10:23AM
Hard to say - did you try restarting with the install DVD?

If you have the Apple supplied Hardware Test disc or even the Apple CareTech Tool Deluxe disc, try either of them to see if they will boot the computer.

You need to determine if it's either a hardware problem - or the OS went bad.
Re: G% on Tiger 10.4.3 down!!!
May 09, 2006 12:23PM
In my experience...if you got the "International Curtain of Death" with the different languages on it (Kernal Panic), this is a hardware conflict. I only got this error once when my Digital Voodoo card went bad a few years ago. Pull any PCI cards and restart.

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: G% on Tiger 10.4.3 down!!!
May 10, 2006 12:20AM
Is it working yet? I've had the "International Curtain of Death" before, from running buggy software. But all I had to do was re-start, and I never had any problems from there. Have you tried the install DVD? Or another utility repair disk? Or do you have an external hard drive with an OS on it, to try booting off of that? Hold down option when you restart, and it gives you the option to boot off different OS's that you have installed. Hopefully you get it working.
Re: G% on Tiger 10.4.3 down!!!
May 10, 2006 08:58AM
Thanks guys..death is the operative word...that G5 is dead and gone and took thousands of pounds worth of After effects projects with it. The G5 had an internal Video RAID installed by one of the few FCP workstation supplyers. The computer is dead and it was an hardware issue.
Anonymous User
Re: G% on Tiger 10.4.3 down!!!
May 10, 2006 03:48PM
Can they salvage the drives?


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