LCD vs Plasma

Posted by ericg 
LCD vs Plasma
August 10, 2006 01:52PM
I'm considering purchasing a LCD or plasma somewhere in the 42" and up range (give clients a nice big screen to look at). I've done some research and I am now trying to wiegh the pro's and con's of each technology. I saw Panasonic released a new line of plasmas that look really nice (TH-42PHHD8UK). I'm feeling inclined to go with the Plasma...any advice? I realize LCD technology has come along way...should I wait another 6 months or so? Thanks for the advice.

Eric G.
Re: LCD vs Plasma
August 10, 2006 03:49PM
ive never seen a plasma that i thought looked good.

i just bought a samsung lcd about 3 months ago and im really quite happy with it.
Re: LCD vs Plasma
August 10, 2006 04:13PM
I can point you to a research project. A while ago, a vendor came in and demo'd a remote control viewing system. I was looking at the wrong things and noticed that his large LCD looked a lot better than the ones I'd seen so far.

It turns out to be the same manufacturer that makes the panels inside the Mac Cinema Display as well as other manufacturer's of systems like LG and others.

Who was that manufacturer? There aren't all that many people cranking out panels--or at least he parts that light up. The light-up parts are insanely hard to make and there are only a few successful makers.


Re: LCD vs Plasma
August 10, 2006 09:06PM
As far I know LG makes the Cinema Display panels, I wouldn't take mine apart to prove it though smiling smiley Maybe it's Phillips now that they bumped the specs up.

Re: LCD vs Plasma
August 11, 2006 07:17PM
I think it depends on the size, as well. I know for a fact that 40-42" is the ideal size for LCD. Any larger and clarity suffers. My dad did all the research for his home and at that size, it was really the best thing.
Re: LCD vs Plasma
August 11, 2006 11:27PM

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