Create New Master Clip?

Posted by Flabasha 
Create New Master Clip?
August 29, 2006 06:17PM
So I input a feature, and was sent audio stems in aiff format. I've synced them up, but now here's my question...

Is there anyway to turn that Audio Splits sequence into a "master clip" without exporting and reimporting the whole darn feature? The problem is, if I cut from the Splits sequence into another sequence, every time I matchframe or double-click a clip, it opens up the Splits sequence instead of a masterclip...

I think the answer is no, but if anyone knows you guys would...
Re: Create New Master Clip?
August 29, 2006 09:28PM
IN FCP, a MASTER CLIP is one that is captured from a tape or other source with timecode starts and ends. It is technically not possible to create a Master Clip unless capturing.

Now, if you would make a subclip which is disconnected for the original Master Clip and then imported it back into the browser so that you could make In-Out points from that timecode, it would work like a Master Clip, of sorts. Semantics, or workflow?
Re: Create New Master Clip?
August 30, 2006 01:59AM
Instead of double clicking the Splits sequence, try selecting it and pressing the return key instead.
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