1:85 Mask over some transitions.....

Posted by JoeE 
1:85 Mask over some transitions.....
August 30, 2006 01:15PM
I'm having a problem with a 24frm timeline. I have some transitions that have muliple layers with things like dipping to white and cropped supers. When I apply a 1:85 mask, the effect stays full screen. I have applied the mask to all the layers and also just the bottom, but nothing seems to change it. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Re: 1:85 Mask over some transitions.....
August 30, 2006 01:27PM
An editor down the hall just suggested that I nest the sections that are giving me a problem and that worked!
Re: 1:85 Mask over some transitions.....
August 30, 2006 01:28PM
Use the derek mok mask and you won't have any problems.
Re: 1:85 Mask over some transitions.....
August 30, 2006 04:52PM
You should remove the widescreen filter from all your shots. Finish your editing. Then

Or, create a black Color Matte and put a Mask Shape filter on it. Set the filter to the following:

Horizontal 100
Vertical 72

Now rename the Color Matte to "1.85 Widescreen Matte" and drag it into your Browser. Put that on a video track above your clips and it will matte your whole sequence to around the equivalent of a 1.85 Widescreen Matte letterbox. To temporarily remove it to save rendering time, just select it and press CONTROL-B. It's a lot easier than putting on 100 Widescreen Matte filters, and much more convenient than nesting.

Nick Meyers has suggested that if you create the same widescreen matte in Photoshop, rendering times are even shorter.

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