FCP 5.1 Bugs?

Posted by licfulee 
FCP 5.1 Bugs?
September 29, 2006 10:09PM
Running off a G5 Dual 2.3 on OS X 10.4.7. Final Cut 5.1.

I am trying to finish a documentary that was done on a iMac G5 on FCP 5.1. The project came to me on a G Tech 500 gig drive. So i duplicated the sequence so I could work off my own sequence and upon working, found that there were certain clips that were embedded into other clips. Usually clips that had titles over top. This kept happening every so often on 90 minutes of the sequence. Trying to get a quick fix, i figured out that if I moved the clip to a different video track and rendered out, the mysterious embedded clip would go away.

Should I be updating to FCP 5.1.2? or should I wait till this project is done?

Any help would be great! Thanks so much

Re: FCP 5.1 Bugs?
October 01, 2006 12:27PM
<<<I am trying to finish a documentary>>>

I'm not sure you ever got to the sentence that starts: "This is what my problem is....."

What is the problem?

By the way, you're having a problem or some difficulty. "Bugs" happen when hundreds of people have the same failure and they can all reproduce it at any time.

Re: FCP 5.1 Bugs?
October 02, 2006 04:44PM
Think what you are seeing is the Phantom Render -- had this problem a while back but later versions of final cut seem to have fixed it. It happens when you've rendered a section of the timeline ..then try to change something and the old render stays -- even if you've elimited the underlying video -- I'd try the usual - toss preferences and see if the problem goes away -- also upgrade to the latest and greatest FCP -- it seems to work well without any problems so far. Andy

PS as for Upgrading in mid project -- probably not a good idea if that's the only problem you're having -- mid-project upgrades have created many a headache.
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