Problem cutting interlaced footage with different half frames

Posted by filmman 
Problem cutting interlaced footage with different half frames
October 03, 2006 11:22AM
I thought the problems I was having editing my 23.98 fps movie where due to frame rate. Now that I'm converting to 29.97 fps, the problem is still there:

There is a frame between two shots spliced together that is half from the ending shot and half from the following scene. Where do you cut?

This was my problem when color correcting before. There was one frame with a weird color and jumped right out.
Re: Problem cutting interlaced footage with different half frames
October 03, 2006 06:29PM
I should add that the timeline where I'm replacing the 23.98 fps clips is still 23.98; but I'm placing the 29.97 clips into it clip by clip. The 29.97 fps clips maintain the frame rate; but when I'm finished I'll move all the movie into a 29.97 sequence. That's how I'm approaching it. I hope I'm following the best procedure. Ahhhh.... what a pain.
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