Multiclip Oddities

Posted by Amy McCann 
Multiclip Oddities
October 06, 2006 05:41PM

First off, Mac/FCP info: Running FCP 5.1 on a Dual 2.5 Ghz, PowerPC G55 with 4.5 GB DDR SDRAM with Mac OSX 10.4.7.

So, after all of that, my issue is, I have multiclips in a sequence and there is some definite weirdness going on with them. Everything lines up perfectly. However, when I attempt to view the other angles in the "Viewer" only the "A" angle is viewable, the Multiclip overlays (such as source tc, clip name, etc) are not visible but should be as that option is selected in the pull-down menu. Also, when I attempt to switch angles, there appears to be no other angles. It's very odd because in other sequences I am not having this problem at all.

What's odd too is, when I go back to the original multiclip bin and select the specific take I'm trying to view in the timeline, the multiclip overlays are there as well as all of the other angles. Also, if I drop the multiclip into a new sequence, there's no problem.

I have noticed that this does not occur in all of my sequences so I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced a similar problem. It's not a hugely big deal, I just want to get to the bottom of as many issues with multiclips so I can understand as much as possible about fixing them (if possible).

Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Multiclip Oddities
October 06, 2006 10:12PM
Do you just see one angle in the viewer when you are playing your timeline but see all the angles when you stop? I believe this is what happens once you render the multiclip sequence. If this is your problem you need to "un-render" then you should see all angles again.
Re: Multiclip Oddities
October 06, 2006 10:37PM
Hi Tim,

Unfortunately no that's not the problem I don't think. In fact there's now a much greater problem going on.

But the multiclip thing was that one and only one angle was in the viewer while playing in the timeline and when I stopped the scrubber it remained only one of the angles showing. In fact, when I went to change angles it was as though those other angles did not exist. Upon going back to the original multiclip though, it's clear that there's nothing (or at least was nothing) wrong with the multiclip itself (i.e. all angles appear in the viewer and the appropriate overlays are in place).

Thanks for your suggestion. I will make note of it for future reference should I run that problem.

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