4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
October 24, 2006 02:57PM
Anybody other than me need a 4X3 safe title and safe action when working in 16X9. Most of my HD stuff is broadcast in both HD and SD which means that in SD the sides get cropped. Would like to have an overlay for that.

Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
October 24, 2006 03:14PM
I second that motion. I think there is a lot of this going on.
A camera op I was chatting to the other day said it had been a few months in a row of gigs shooting HD with at least one monitor in video village taped off for SD, for the client who doesn't understand the whole letterbox vs crop "thing".
It would be great in FCP if the Title safe had an option for this.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
October 24, 2006 03:21PM
Digital Heaven makes a plugin for this:


I use this one myself.


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
October 24, 2006 09:11PM
I use the Digital Heaven plug-in too. Great value at $10.

I would like to see it be a normal function of FCP though, given that it comes up so often.

Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
October 25, 2006 03:34PM

I agree total PITA. I have a frame I made in photoshop that I use, I'll send you a copy if you want this weekend.

I'll bet the DH thing will work, but it is now priced at $40, and it still requires an extra step. I hope a future release of FCP will acknowledge 4x3 as the boradcast standard for title safe.

Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
October 25, 2006 06:00PM
Personally I hate 4:3 protected on 16:9...

I have to use it all the time and it bugs the hell out of me. I welcome the time we get rid of 4:3 pandering altogether as it ruins the good use of the 16:9 space.

From a design point of view that sucks big time.

But to answer your question with an alternative to the software solutions given already.

Check your HD broadcast monitor to see if it has a title safe overlay or area marker function. The ones I use have 4:3 protected on 16:9 overlay as a standard option.

Or if you have a hardware legalizer that should have a built in title safe area overlay function too.

If you are not using a HD broadcast monitor for your onlines... why not?


PS. I agree its a definate must for the next release of FCP, in fact a customisable title safe would be preferable as this would allow us to add our own should we need to.

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Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
October 25, 2006 06:19PM

I can't answer for Joe, but I can tell you why I don't have a broadcast HD monitor. Space. I work in a small compartment in a mobile production truck. A 20" HD monitor is just not in the space budget. First it would take up about 1/4 of the table I share with my producer. Then I would be sitting about a foot from it. Instead I have an SDI to DVI adaptor and use a 24" Dell hanging on the wall. I do have a 9"CRT in SD that I can use for a quick check of color after downconversion.

Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
May 29, 2007 06:35AM
Hi. I totally agree! I'm doing 4x3 safe subtitles at the moment in a 16x9 project! Apart from Digital Heaven's plugin, has anyone found an overlay / grid yet? There must be a pict file or something for this problem somewhere?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
May 29, 2007 10:28AM
Ok...if you insist:

I built this for an HDTV 1920 / 1080 Square pixels project - works for me. Just lay it in your timeline & use the "Screen" Composite Mode on it to lose the black.

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
May 29, 2007 11:14AM
That's fantastic Joey - exactly what I'm after!! I think all FCP editors will need this at some time or other - it's a lifesaver!

Once again, many thanks!

Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
May 29, 2007 08:19PM
Hey robk,

You are quite welcome...just please come back here & let us know how it worked out for you. We like to hear about the issues that are solved as well as issues themselves smiling smiley

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
May 29, 2007 09:21PM
It worked like a dream Joey, and now I can sleep better!
Hey, someone also directed me to the same file over on one of yahoo's websites: They're in the "Files" section, and you have to register to gain access, ..but these ones even have embedded alphas so no need to use composite mode:- just use as simple overlays! cool!


Thanks again!
Re: 4X3 Safe title and safe action in 16X9 mode
May 29, 2007 09:54PM
I tend to like to keep everything as simple as possible. It took me 30 seconds to make that file without even opening Photoshop. Composite Modes (Transfer / Blend Modes) are tremendously powerful tools that I personally prefer to use every chance I get. Either way - as long as it worked for you, I am happy smiling smiley

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

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