Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 05:21PM
I've been dragging my feet on this for a while, but time is running out. I am interested in the FCS Crossgrade deal that I understand will expire on December 20. I have FCP 3 so it's not cheap, but I assume it will never be as "cheap" as $699 ($629.10 from the LAFCPUG store) after that. But does anyone know what the Crossgrade pricing structure will be after that date?

The reason I drag my feet is that I currently don't have the necessary hardware, but it seems like an investment I can't afford to pass up.

I've looked at the LAFCPUG store for this, and it takes me to Amazon to order. Is this 10% discount available to anyone who goes to Amazon, or does LAFCPUG have a special gateway? I don't see any mention of the requirement to send in my FCP 3 disk in order to get it. Does that requirement remain, and if so when is it invoked?

It seems reasonable that the Crossgrade package installs as a stand-alone, i.e., it doesn't require that I have a previous version of FCP already installed in order to install it (seems that would be the purpose of sending the original disks in). I would be installing it on brand new hardware when the time comes, and it seems silly to pre-install something I don't need.

Please correct me if I have any of these "facts" wrong (especially the deadline date) and illuminate me on anything I've missed. I'm probably not the only one struggling with this at the moment.

Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 05:36PM
The $629.00 deal is from Amazon. We point you there and we get a commission of the sale. I don't know of any place else that has this good a deal. Have no clue what the price might be after Dec 20. I doubt it will be cheaper.

I believe it will look for FCP 3 when you install, despite the fact it is a stand alone. The FCP part in the Studio will be an upgrade.

Michael Horton
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 05:38PM
Crossgrade works on both Intel and PPC Macs...thus the name CROSSGRADE.

After the deadline, the cost of FCP 5.1 will be $1299, the usual retail cost of the product. Get it NOW! It will work on older machines. Or, keep FCP 3 on your machine until you get a new machine to install FCP 5.1 on.

You mail in the disk with your order form and right away. Best to use the Disk Utility to make a backup of your FCP disk before you send it...just in case. the FCP disk is easy to make a backup of.

The crossgrade only requires that you supply it with your previous FCP serial no installation of FCP 3 is needed on that.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 05:48PM
Actually this is in the FAQ somewhere.

Go here for the whole skinny on the cross grade.


Michael Horton
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 06:30PM
I have been doing my homework.

I've been to that Apple page, and every Crossgrade/Upgrade option EXCEPT from FCP 1-3 has the Dec 20 deadline, spelled out in the PDF order forms associated with each. The Upgrade from FCP1-3 is different; it is a "buy now" item, without an order form, and nowhere on its page does it mention a deadline. It also doesn't mention sending disks in. Could be Apple's mistake to have omitted this, but it would sure be nice to know for sure! I know few of you are in my boat on this, and have no need to know the answer.

My hardware problem is lack of CPU horsepower, RAM and disk space to make it worth running FCS, not the processor itself. And I don't own this computer anyway , but I will be buying a G5 or Intel box one of these days.

If this is discussed in the FAQ, it is well hidden - I can't find any topics about it.

It just seems strange that Apple would require you to send your original disk in AND provide a serial number at install; you've already proved you qualify for it. But that's another subject.

Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 06:35PM
You're right. It isn't in the FAQ. 1-3 is different. You are still getting 5.1 but essentially its just an upgrade. It is still a hell of a deal cause your going from 1 app to 4 apps for the price of an upgrade. My guess is price will remain at $629.00 after Dec 20. Who know what happens after April 07 though assuming there is an announcement during NAB.

Michael Horton
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 07:19PM
[The reason I drag my feet is that I currently don't have the necessary hardware, but it seems like an investment I can't afford to pass up. ]

I felt the same way and upgraded even without faster horsepower. For instance, I cannot run Motion on my current system, so it lies sleeping in its snug l'il envelope, snoring lightly, rustling, twitching and yelping occasionally while it dreams.

Think Forward!

- Loren
Today's FCP 4 / 5 keytip:
Do a virtual Audio Mixdown to lighten playback load with Command-Option-R!

The FCP KeyGuide?: your power placemat.
Now available at KeyGuide Central.
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 10:49PM
I have the 5.04 or something. I don't remember. Is the FCP 5.1 crossgrade the last upgrade for the G5 ? And what extra features does it come with? I apologize for asking this, but I don't like to send my disks which have cost me $1,600 and not get them back. I paid for them, why should I lose them for a $49 upgrade?
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 11:15PM
You don't really need the cross grade for a G5 unless you need a couple of things. The ability to update to the latest FCP which includes bug fixes and support for certain codecs you might need and a perhaps a cheaper path to the next upgrade which might be FCP 6. Those are only reasons I can think of for G5 owners.

Go to Apple and look up what's in 5.1.2 and if you need any of those things then you should do the crossgrade now.

Michael Horton
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 11:19PM

I have the 5.04 or something. I don't remember.

I cannot believe I am going to have to actually tell you this. Launch Final Cut and read the pretty launch window that tells you what version you have.


what extra features does it come with?

Universal Binary (MacIntel) compatibility. For the rest, go HERE


I don't like to send my disks which have cost me $1,600 and not get them back. I paid for them, why should I lose them for a $49 upgrade?

Apple is not going to steal your disks. There's millions of users safely sending in their disks and getting 4 replacements in return...and guess what? They are spankin' new 5.1 Universal Binary versions that you will be able to run on both Power PC's & MacIntels. The price will go up after this promotion ends so "ya snooze - ya lose". If you want more precise answers, call Apple. Send the disks Insured with return receipt via a trackable carrier. You're a big boy, filman...I shouldn't have to tell you these things.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 29, 2006 11:58PM
Don't worry Vic....THOUSANDS of us sent in our disks and I haven't heard of one case where nothing was sent back. A few cases where it took longer than the user expected, but everyone received the upgrade.

I did it, got them in two weeks.

Do it while you can. Even if you don't install them yet. And yes, back up your disks before you send them. Just make disk images....

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 30, 2006 02:23AM
We got our upgrade disks very quickly - there was a small issue with serial numbers but apart from that it was a painless upgrade - the order is done through the apple store. so its not like your just chucking your disks in the post don't worry - you'll get an order number etc etc.

Certainly would suggest what the others have been saying - grab it now while you can. Its not going to get cheaper!

(btw they ask you to photograph your disks for reference - its well worth making sure you do it in case there are any problems -- as well as making disk images for backup as shane noted)
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 30, 2006 02:27AM
This is what I love about this user group: you guys give me a sense of confidence :-) Okay, Shane and Joey, you guys convinced me not to be so paranoid -- sign of old age? LOL

I'll check it out tonight and tomorrow I'll be on the phone with Apple and make sure that I'm sending the discs to the right address and all.

Sorry, didn't mean to steal this thread :-) I think I'm in line with my questions here, no?
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 30, 2006 03:29PM
I'm the same boat, Loren. While I've read that 5.1 will run OK on my DP Quicksilver, I've left the upgrade disks snuggled in their sleeves until I make the leap to a new Macintel before the end of the year. I'm reluctant to mess with a working, stable system.

cheers, Vic

Loren Miller Wrote:
> >
> I felt the same way and upgraded even without
> faster horsepower. For instance, I cannot run
> Motion on my current system, so it lies sleeping
> in its snug l'il envelope, snoring lightly,
> rustling, twitching and yelping occasionally while
> it dreams.
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 30, 2006 04:04PM
I've had a copy of Tiger since it came out. I've never installed it because first I had to wait to buy FCP 5.x, and I still have yet to buy Logic Pro 7 upgrade from 6 and I've had one project started in 4.5 that has been hogging all the space on the drive I bought intending to be used as a Tiger boot disk.
I am sending away for the crossgrade to 5.1, the upgrade to Logic 7, and they'll probably sit in their boxes for another month or two.
Like Vic, I am running a rock solid 2002Quicksilver Dual 1gig and looking over the horizon of the new year towards a new Mac(book?) Pro.

As a side note, with all the upgrading I have done (Bought 4.5, upgrade to FCS) and the various Logic Upgrades since 5.0, I have a solid meter of manuals. Most of which I don't refer to, ever. RTFM, what's that?
Not to mention the manuals from my original academic copy of FCP4.0 which can be crossgraded but now that I own a full version I am not sure what to do with that. It seems wrong to throw all those manuals away. Suggestions?

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 30, 2006 04:17PM
Not to mention the manuals from my original academic copy of FCP4.0 which can be crossgraded but now that I own a full version I am not sure what to do with that. It seems wrong to throw all those manuals away. Suggestions?

Find a local public school in your area that teaches FCP and donate them. They need them.

Michael Horton
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 30, 2006 05:13PM
ebay ... I got $85 for my 4.5 manuals. A lady who'd lost her manuals needed them ... in NJ, I think.
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 30, 2006 08:50PM
I like Mike's suggestion.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
November 30, 2006 09:51PM
Just so everyone knows, all one has to do is go to Apple and download a free manual. That person in NJ who bought your manuals for $85.00 was not to smart.

Michael Horton
Re: Clarifying the FCS Crossgrade deal
December 01, 2006 05:18PM
SSshhhhhh...not so loud, Mike...I have a load of manuals I am trying to get rid of winking smiley

Anyway, some folks just like the books better than the PDF's.

- Joey

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

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