Dropped Frames On Capture

Posted by razorbabyy 
Dropped Frames On Capture
December 13, 2006 03:06PM
I posted below about not being able to remove advnaced pulldown. I think it's because on capture, I am dropping frames. I have abort on dropped frames checked in my preferences, but it does not abort. It continues to capture with the dropped frames. Then when I go to remove the pulldown, it tells me there is a problem witht he cadence.

Why am I dropping frames on capture?

I'm using Final Cut 5.1.2 Mac G5 capturing to a raid (and I tried to a firewire drive...same issues).....
Re: Dropped Frames On Capture
December 13, 2006 03:36PM
If Final Cut is clearly not doing what you tell it, that can be a preference corruption problem. Trash the preference files and make Final Cut start over.

Multiple things can cause dropped frames. Possible but not likely deck problems, possible but not likely cable problems. Very possible the machine isn't going fast enough to perform the capture. Is the System drive filling up? Do you have a million things connected to the machine or do you have a million jobs or tasks running? Has this ever worked? Is your machine rated to do this at all?

Re: Dropped Frames On Capture
December 13, 2006 03:37PM
Oh, and it's bad form to start two threads with the same problem.

Re: Dropped Frames On Capture
December 13, 2006 03:42PM
Check the FAQ if you have not already


Michael Horton
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