FCP Jog Shuttle

Posted by Jules 
FCP Jog Shuttle
December 16, 2006 02:23PM
Hi all,

i'm thinking of getting a FCP Logickeyboard. They have a deal where you can get the Shuttle Pro V2 (http://www.logickeyboard.com/shop/default.asp?SetLng=4&BypassShopClosed=1) bundled in with it, but i vaguely recalling somewhere that it wasn't all that useful.

I was just wondering if anyone else had any thoughts on it. I'm quite happy using my 3 button mouse and the keyboard, but if people testify that the shuttle is a great tool then i'm happy to give it a whirl, if a bit pointless then i'd rather spend my money elsewhere.

Many thanks,

Re: FCP Jog Shuttle
December 16, 2006 03:00PM
For me is very useful.
You can customize the keys of the Shuttle Pro V2 for FCP and it works with other apps like Safari, Photoshop, After FX, Avid...
Wacom Tablet and the Shuttle Pro V2 are a perfect combination. Just place the keyboard in the middle.
In 1998, my NLE was a Stratasphere from Scitex, later an Accom product. In that time the Stratasphere was the only NLE to offer true real-time effects. The system had a piece of hardware that combined a audio mixer with a Shuttle. I've got so used to it that when working in other NLE's i felt that something was missing.

Rui Barros
Editor Colorist Trainer
Lisbon, Portugal
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Re: FCP Jog Shuttle
December 16, 2006 03:59PM
I purchased one... and have been having a bit of trouble with it... and haven't used it much. First issue (and a big one IMHO) is that... the JOG shuttle keeps engaging dock... I've tried turning the dock off... but... no luck. Any suggestions... I'd be grateful. 2ndly... I have found some latency issues... which makes it not as useful as my arrow keys.

Just my experience... hope it helps
Re: FCP Jog Shuttle
December 16, 2006 04:21PM
ive had one for a few years. have never really liked it that much. i just dont think its as responsive (latency issues) as i'd like it to be...
Re: FCP Jog Shuttle
December 16, 2006 04:30PM
I recently bought a "Bella" keyboard which works just fine:


It has a shuttle wheel, or, as we ancient projectionists call it, an inching knob and lots of multicolored icon laden keys ... plus a fabby little light on a stalk which makes me feel like an airline pilot.

I have the Bella Series 3, which includes the essential groovy lamp.

The company that makes it is in the Valley at 818 563 9500.


Re: FCP Jog Shuttle
December 16, 2006 06:55PM
We had a jog shuttle back in 2001 that we used for a couple of days and then put back in the box. It's still sitting on the shelf today. Same as the other guys, we found that the response time was too slow, and if you're used to a regular shuttle wheel, it just feels broken.

Mind you, this was a long time ago on a much older system, so things may have changed by now.

Re: FCP Jog Shuttle
December 16, 2006 08:38PM
Thanks all. You've pretty much backed up what i thought may be the case that i don't need it. Appreciate all your comments and saving me £70 smiling smiley
Re: FCP Jog Shuttle
December 19, 2006 10:42AM
You don't need it. Use JKL. What's a pound? This is LA baby, we only understand greenbacks.

Kevin Monahan
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Re: FCP Jog Shuttle
December 19, 2006 10:50AM
I'm with Kevin. Had a jog shuttle on a TV assistant-editor job a while ago; neither I nor the editors ever touched it. JKL (all speeds), Left/Right Arrow, and SHIFT-Left/Right Arrow do it all for me.

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