Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok!

Posted by el trent 
Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok!
January 13, 2007 12:28PM
PmacG4, FCP3, OSX, 4 hds, 2-120, 1-160, 1-250, formac a/dv

Trying to ?capture now? Nagra audio tracks to rebuild a prior static disaster, and keep getting this; it isn?t what I would call a ?dialog box?, because it doesn?t seem know either, tried every change I could think of within the definition of sanity, and always keep getting the same answer.
I believe I have plenty of HD space, free space is listed at 212.25, capture now is set at 36 min. All I want to do is capture a 15 min Nagra tape.
All my 3 work HDs are listed in ?capture scratch? button, believe I have more than enough space, yet it is, or keeps telling me I don?t have enough ?capture scratch? space.

71.6GB on bop160
121.3 on wdc 250
19.2 on mac hd 1

Scratch disks set at min allowable 1800MB
Limit capture size to 200MB
Limit capture time now to 36 min.
Device control is set to non-controlable device, firewire NTSC.
Capture (audio only), audio ch1(L).

I have tried changing everything, nothing seems to work. What I like about this computer is when you want to do something, turn it on and you?re forced to read books while it is whirring away, and you then still don?t get anything done, or find any answers.
Haven?t found any answers after what must have been 13 frustrating attempts. Sure must be missing something here.

Thank you.
Re: Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok!
January 13, 2007 02:12PM
Since nothing else has worked, disconnect all your external drives--literally pull the FireWire cables out, reset Final Cut, and capture the sound clip to the internal System Drive.

You can get into some interesting troubles with multiple FireWire drives and devices.

Re: Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok!
January 13, 2007 02:19PM
A total desparation method would be to connect the analog output of the Nagra to the Mac high-level audio input and capture it in QuickTime Pro. Or Audacity, if you want to download the free audio program.

Re: Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok!
January 13, 2007 02:48PM
Thanks, Koz.
But the all of my drives are internal, and the only thing on firewire is the analog/digital formac studio.
No multiple firewire drives.
Also think this is tto old for QTPro, know there is an internal mike capability but thought sound for that was marginal.
I'm not familiar at all with Audacity, what will that do?

Would trashing prefs work here?
Re: Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok!
January 13, 2007 06:56PM
Tyr going to your capture settings and setting your 'limit capture now' setting to, say, 64 minutes. Make sure the tick is in the box next to it. Just a hunch, but it could be that the system is trying to allocate unlimited space on limited drives prior to the actual capture.

Re: Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok!
January 13, 2007 06:59PM
<<<No multiple firewire drives. >>>

You're killin' me here.


Flesh that out a little. Which machine is this?

<<<there is an internal mike capability>>>

If it's that old, then you're hosed. The microphone input wasn't any too good, so they finally dropped it.

All the modern machines have high-level audio record abilities and it's a lot better than you think. Noise in the -70s and good dynamic range. I recorded all the tracks for a Short using an external sound mixer and my PowerBook. It should be possible to Radio Shack your way from the Nagra to the Mac.

<<<Would trashing prefs work here? >>>

Couldn't hurt. It is possible Final Cut is totally confused, although as I've posted before, we've only had to do that once on three machines in four years.

<<<I'm not familiar at all with Audacity, what will that do? >>>

Audacity is a freeware audio program that's way far better than you think it's going to be. It's just another option if you don't have QuicikTime Pro to record an audio track. Audacity's one claim to fame is that it's available on all three major computing platforms. I don't know anybody else who's that much into programming pain, but these people seem to be.

You never came right out and said *which* OSX you have. It's important. Did you recently upgrade your QuickTime?

Thanks all for you help.
Asked a Mac person why this was doing it, and was told I should have quit FCP after changing scratch disks.

Turned it on again and it went right into 'capture now". Wonder why they-Apple- doesn't bother putting this-quit FCP- in thier manuals. Or maybe I was lucky here. Still have more to capture now. We will see.

It is a MIrror front Pmac G4 tower, OSX.2, FCP3.02, only had it for 18 mos or so before the G5.

I'm a computer novice, haven't really upgraded anything, was upgraded some last time in the Apple store, by them.
Re: Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok! Thanks
January 18, 2007 12:20AM
Um. I think it's not in the manuals because it's not true. There's no need to quit FCP after changing scratch disks. Quitting FC may have stopped something else you had running simulatenously in the background without you noticing it, perhaps?

Re: Insufficient disk space remaining in capture scratch(ok?) it is not ok!
January 20, 2007 03:42PM
Thanks Jude,

But the only stuff running on this machine is FCP, and it wouldn't capture anything after 13 or so tries, and it was turned on specificly to capture, but went right into 'capture now' when it was turned back on.
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