text scroll into space like star wars

Posted by akemler 
text scroll into space like star wars
January 16, 2007 02:11PM
g5 4 gb ram dual 2.7 fcp 5.1.2
this is an easy one for most of you out there.
how do you do the text scroll so it looks like it is going into the screen into space ( like star wars). and disappears.

andy k
Re: text scroll into space like star wars
January 16, 2007 02:22PM
You use iMovie.
Re: text scroll into space like star wars
January 16, 2007 02:23PM
Try a combination of Basic 3D and Distort under the Motion tab. Basic 3D to apply some X-axis rotation, Distort to pinch the top two corners to get some perspective.

Not the best job for FCP.

Re: text scroll into space like star wars
January 16, 2007 02:57PM
Yes, but iMovie has the same color and font as the Star Wars scroll. And it is called STAR WARS.


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Re: text scroll into space like star wars
January 16, 2007 03:19PM
You should go to the star wars forum..they have a great tutorial on how to do the effect in After Effects.



you'll have to tinker with it to get it just right but once you've failed you'll see the true pawah of...ahhhh
Re: text scroll into space like star wars
January 17, 2007 10:14AM
Or go here for the freebie:-


Re: text scroll into space like star wars
January 17, 2007 12:14PM
I did a job using FCP totally to create that effect. I used scroll text and used the top corners to distort them into a vanishing point. Used also a large amount on the pixels to vanish on top to create the effect perfectly.
Is doable!
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