beserk quicktime?

Posted by el trent 
beserk quicktime?
January 20, 2007 03:35PM
PmacG4, FCP3.2, 4 internal HDs, early QT, don't remember what #, possibly 3, computer was bought in 02 or 03, osx.2

Started recapturing audio after a serious static event and was looking in capture scratch for some other footage and noticed some of my recent audio captures were in there with FCP icons, and there were also the same captures with the same names that also had QT icons.

However, when clicked, a dialog box came up with a dialog box that says it is a file QT doesn't understand. When the icon was clicked it made a metalic sound.

And there were "2A________1. to 2A_________41 of them, 41 lines that all had the same dialog box that wouldn't play. The ones that had FCP icons played.

What could I possibly be doing to inadvertantly, unknowingly have made 41 useless copies of the same capture?

Other captures also had the same copies listed.

Thank you.
Re: beserk quicktime?
January 20, 2007 05:32PM
Is your drive properly formatted? If not, captured clips may have been split up into multiple files. One logged clip entry in your project file may result in four or five files being created, but not all of them are self-sufficient -- any file after the first one would be suffixed with a number, and those would be dependent movie files that won't play without the first one.

Check your drive format.
Re: beserk quicktime?
January 22, 2007 03:59PM
Please know I'm not very good with computer stuff.

<Check your drive format>

How would I know if my drive would be properly formatted? What would I be looking for?

I deleted a lot of the ones that wouldn't play, should this have been done?
Re: beserk quicktime?
January 22, 2007 04:54PM
> How would I know if my drive would be properly formatted? What would I be looking for?

Click on it in the Finder (Desktop) and press APPLE-I.

> I deleted a lot of the ones that wouldn't play, should this have been done?

That was premature. However, these files can wreak more havoc later.

Move slower, my friend. You don't ever want to delete things when you're not completely sure of what they are.
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