300 dpi and cmyk images...needs fixing

Posted by deanwells 
300 dpi and cmyk images...needs fixing
March 04, 2007 09:13PM
I have just been working on a project.
Its pretty big and complex.
I started getting seemingly random crashes happening.
Then I realised everytime I was exporting it crashed at exactly 54 percent.
So I went to that point in the timeline and saw that it was some still images thrown in the timeline.
On further inspection I realised some of the images were over 72 dpi, and some were cmyk.
I know fcp normally doesnt like these files.
Why does it let me import and edit these files if it is just going to cause crashes later...
We need a way to either reject these files on import or warn the user of the
\problem when it happens...
this trouoble shooting wastes som much time...,
Re: 300 dpi and cmyk images...needs fixing
March 04, 2007 09:36PM
i dont know that FCP should be expected to wipe our noses. if someone cant be bothered to manage thier content, they probably shouldnt be using final cut "pro" to begin with.

how boner-proof do we need to make life?
Re: 300 dpi and cmyk images...needs fixing
March 04, 2007 10:08PM
wayne granzin Wrote:
> i dont know that FCP should be expected to wipe
> our noses. if someone cant be bothered to manage
> thier content, they probably shouldnt be using
> final cut "pro" to begin with.
> how boner-proof do we need to make life?

very boner proof....I hate thinking for a machine thats supposed to do it for me.

settle down big guy...Im trying to help us all out...
Yeah thanks michael. The problem is not everyone has the skills and knowledge thhat you do.
Im the third editor to work on this highly complex edit. Personally I always check for those things.
The two guys before me didnt.
From my previous experience it is still a bit inconsistent and mysterious. I.e some images over 72 are accepted, some arent,
sometimes cmyk images work for a while, then they bug out.
If thats wiping my nose then Maybe you have a really big handkerchief.
I think there should be a little more help in that department.
Re: 300 dpi and cmyk images...needs fixing
March 04, 2007 11:05PM
yeah, i agree with your point. i was really just rattling your cage. just get a bit tired of the machines trying to do @#$%& for me all the time.

i wouldnt imagine this would be too hard to build into the import process. but ive NEVER seen a 72dpi rgb image just not play nicely unless there was some other offender present - for example an image came from corel or the MS suite or some tomfoolery like that. i did some A/B testing with two exact jpg images into flash a few years back. one was from photoshop, the other from corel. the PS one looked fine, the corel one was all pixelated and like 3x the file size... that day i started to refuse anything that came from corel - period!

garbage in, garbage out. personally, i dont want my machine bothering itself with such duties...
Re: 300 dpi and cmyk images...needs fixing
March 04, 2007 11:14PM
well, you know what they say:
FCP will let you do anything,
including foul up.

i, too, find it a bit frustrating that FCP will let you bring in media that it then cant actually handle.

there's a never ending stream of "why does my MP3 audio sound bad?" questions on all the user groups.
this problem is particularly annoying because simple little iMovie has no problem at all using MP3 audio.

personally i haven't had problems with dpi's over 72.
but have been caught out by the cmyk limitation.

Re: 300 dpi and cmyk images...needs fixing
March 04, 2007 11:56PM
i dunno. i kind of walk both sides of the street. my first reaction is that anyone who thinks an mp3 is a proper injest format should have their software immediately shut itself down, uninstall itself and print them a voucher for their purchase price.

on the other hand it would be nice if there was some sort of mandate that every software program had to include metatdata that would etch what it is, what app produced it and where its been into every file. then our machines would start to act like KITT from kight rider

- "michael, there is a corel file in that folder, shall i resolve or delete it"
YES KITT, do that and while youre at it go ahead and finish the edit im going out and doink this b-class supermodel...
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