OT: "blurry" mouse...

Posted by wayne granzin 
OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 04:36AM
ok here's a new one. im having an issue at the finder level (beyond just the finder itself, but its a mouse behavior thing)

say im click/dragging something in one app, suddenly the mouse will forget what its doing and revert to the next available app. it doesnt stop, or move erratically, just switches apps to the next one in its path. be that another app or the desktop of a finder window...

a better example is lets say i have only quicktime player open and the finder. if i am scaling (by dragging the lower right corner) the player window, just suddenly out of nowhere the player stops scaling and im now selecting stuff on the desktop. like as if the mouse just suddenly decides it wants to be in another app.

anybody ever experience this before?
Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 11:34AM
I get something similar occasionally. Just last week I was about to email Mr. Horton to tell him the LAFCPUG web site was all messed up. I would click on a "button" item (like "Message List" at the top of the compose message window) and it would activate the button to its left instead. Then I noticed it was doing this all over my browser, not just this site. The pointer had become "misaligned" with what it was showing vs. what it was actually pointing at. Restarting my browser cured it.

Sounds similar to what you're seeing. Does this behavior persist once it starts, or does it come and go randomly? Does restarting fix it? Mine seemed to be associated with just one app, not the whole system. Given what cured it for me, I'm not sure I could say it was the mouse's fault. But have you tried another mouse?

I have also found that if you use an optical mouse on a surface that isn't a solid color, the pointer can hop around as it rolls over changing colors and brightnesses.

Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 02:29PM
ohhhhh!!!! I have a problem like that with my mouse

"...f you use an optical mouse on a surface that isn't a solid color, the pointer can hop around as it rolls over changing colors and brightnesses. ......."

that was back in 04 when I got this mac it was driving me insane...I so happen to put a paper under the mouse and it magically stopped doing it, so i figured it was the surfice of the desk. my desk has a wood pattern and it has different shades of brown....now I know what it is!!!
Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 03:12PM
Back in the roller-ball mouse days, I would encounter a problem sometimes where the mouse would only function in one direction - the pointer would go left and right fine, but would not budge in the up or down direction when I moved the mouse that way. Quite by accident I discovered that if sunlight through the window fell on the mouse, it would "blind" the internal optical sensor for the roller in that direction. Moved it to the shade and everything was fine.

Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 07:40PM
apparently my mouse is nearing the end of its life. i took it over to another machine and the same thing happened - ill miss my trusted old friend : ( but, yay i get to go shopping!
Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 08:25PM
Wayne if you like wireless mice try the Logitech MX Revolution Rechargeable Cordless Laser Mouse they are a little expensive but are really super cool I love mine.


"When I see you floating down the gutter I'll give you a bottle of wine."
Captain Beefheart, Trout Mask Replica.
Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 08:48PM
I second the Logitech wireless as a second mouse, for RSI reasons. It's got a sideways tilt that really takes the pressure off your wrist and forearm.

However - in FCP I usually use a mighty mouse, because I've become addicted to the sideways scroll wheel, and in some other programs I prefer the old cheapo Microsoft beige and grey unit. I've also got a bluetooth mighty mouse which I've lent out because it was just too heavy for constant use.

Also - a highly shiny surface is known to cause mouses (hmm, is 'mice' the plural in this case/) to get a bit 'lost'. If you've got a new desk that could be the culprit.

Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 09:11PM
the mouse whos in his last days is a logitech wired optical "mouseman wheel" (of which i have 3 others in operation). if i stay with my quad, i'll probably stay wired. if i end up selling it for a new mac pro ill have a look at that mx revolution - thanks Dean!

im oldschool in the fact that i dont live without my big old neoprene rubber, mouse pad!

and i HATE HATE HATE every mouse apple has made since the apple ll days. and that mighty, or as i call it "clitoris" mouse is no better. i see a class action lawsuit against apple one day becasue everyone shows up with carpal tunnal in 10 years... youre supposed to be laughing now - well, kinda anyway.
Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 09:29PM
The great thing about the logitech wireless is that it comes with a small .. I dunno what it is - transmitter? that plugs into your keyboard (or mac) - so there's no need to get bluetooth installed. Just plug and play - even on my old G4.

Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 29, 2007 10:20PM
yeah, that would be handy - the biggest dissapointment when i got my quad was that at that moment they had no wireless solution for it at all. that little usb receiver was a lifesaver a time or two...
Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 30, 2007 01:36PM

The great thing about the logitech wireless is that it comes with a small .. I dunno what it is - transmitter? that plugs into your keyboard (or mac) - so there's no need to get bluetooth installed.

I use a Microsoft model 1054 wireless mouse, works just like the Logitech Jude describes and is pretty cheap, about $35. Very happy with it.

Re: OT: "blurry" mouse...
May 30, 2007 08:31PM
Oh and the MX Revolution is great for the LAFCPUG forums scrolling the long pages with a flick is nice!


"When I see you floating down the gutter I'll give you a bottle of wine."
Captain Beefheart, Trout Mask Replica.
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