Error code 1401
June 03, 2007 05:43PM
I am trying to cut on FCP EXPRESS Version3.5 HD on a MacBook Pro.
I am working from QT files imported from DVD's. (not captured from tape)
They seem to disapear from time to time. Other times they seem to be fine.
Some have even removed themselves from a sequence ?!?!?!
HELP !!!!
Re: Error code 1401
June 03, 2007 10:27PM
1401--and that is a very odd error--happens when some parts of the operating system fail to find a file they are expecting.

<<<QT files imported from DVD's.>>>

What sort of QuickTime files? Did someone deliver QuickTimes to you on a data DVD?

If they did, you need to make very sure the files were transferred from the DVD and onto your hard drive before they're used in your show. If you don't do that, the files will vanish the instant you pull the DVD out.

Re: Error code 1401
June 05, 2007 09:15AM

They started life as AVI's from Premiere Pro because the video was remarried to sweetended audio tracks. We went to the "Get Info" about clips in FCP to learn what FCP needs and ticked off each attribute (bit rate, sample rate, field dominance etc) and exported/converted the AVI's to full QT files from PremPro. Then we copied the files to an outboard LACIE 250gig USBv2 - which we have just discovered is formatted in DOS. BUT, it is hooked up to a dual platform MacbookPro... so, there you have it. Where are the monkeys and the football? WE GOT EM !

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