OT? using compressor to encode for the web
July 29, 2007 05:08PM
I'm sorry if this doesn't quite fit here, I just don't know were to look for this info.
I am encoding video footage for the web. Using compressor, then iweb to publish the site.
I need the encoded video to open in its own qt window. Separate from the web page you select which video to view.
I don't know if this is a compressor, qt, or iweb thing. If someone can help, or direct me to a site/place I can get this info from I would be appreciative.

Re: OT? using compressor to encode for the web
July 29, 2007 08:30PM
Although I'm no expert at this, I can push you a bit further in the right direction.

There are different instructions (code) that you use to tell people's web browser whether to display a movie or link to a movie, or pop open a window to display in. What you are currently doing is putting in the code (via iweb) to display the movie on the page.

I'm not positive, but pretty sure, that you will need a more powerful html coding application to do what you want. iWeb is great for simple, good looking standardised stuff, but not so good at the more curly instructions.

Why do you need the video to open in quicktime? Did you want to force the user to download the video instead of being able to see it on the page?

Re: OT? using compressor to encode for the web
July 29, 2007 10:17PM
The reason I need it to open in it's own window is because thats what the client whats.

As far as using iweb, thats not important. I just don't know which program to use. I've looked on the apple site and don't see any recommended programs.

Re: OT? using compressor to encode for the web
July 29, 2007 11:35PM
Hi Bret.

Your probably need to learn a little bit about HTML. That will give you the ability to do exactly what you need on those pages you are describing. You can create an HTML page using TextEdit. If you need more sophistication, most people seem to think Macromedia/Adobe Dreamweaver is the best ap - it works on both Macs and Windows PCs.

If you learn HTML basics, you can simply steal the code from an existing page, and modify it to suit your situation. I personally use MS Front Page - it allows me to do anything I need, since it has a "code" window.

The HTML "Embed" statement is what you will use to get your quicktime files to play on everything but Internet Explorer. You'll use the "Object" statement to get the files to play on Internet Explorer.

Good luck.

VoiceOver Guy and Entertainment Technology Enthusiast
Re: OT? using compressor to encode for the web
July 30, 2007 09:00AM
If you link directly to the file, it'll open in the player independent of the web page. I'm not sure you can do that in iWeb.

If you want something easy, I'd recommend Freeway or Freeway Pro. You don't see that on Apple's site? I bought Freeway Pro at my local brick and mortar Apple Store. It's much more a "drag and drop" program which builds html code. It's very easy but MUCH more powerful than iWeb, yet you don't need to learn the intricacy of HTML.

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