Upgrade woes to go to tiger?

Posted by mark@avolution 
Upgrade woes to go to tiger?
August 08, 2007 12:57PM
Big question; we just just had are Huge Systems returned from Huge and they striped
them with a OSX higher than ours (at present 10.39).

So it was said; just upgrade to Tiger.

If I do this will our ProTools still work Final Cut Pro4.5 HD, DVD Studio Pro 3, Motion
1.1, etc with the new OS WITHOUT all of the apps having to be re-installed?

One of the experts with experience if you could please help me with this!


Mark Pigott
Re: Upgrade woes to go to tiger?
August 08, 2007 01:02PM
This will tell you what you need to know


Depends on what version you are using now.

Michael Horton
Re: Upgrade woes to go to tiger?
August 08, 2007 01:32PM
Sorry, when I said Pro Tools I meant the Apple software that came with the
G5...Final Cut Pro 4.5HD, DVD Studio Pro 3, and Motion 1.1.

I can assure you we have no such ProTools (as the link) we only have the Apple
and the Apple software.

What I need to know if the above mentioned software will still WORK if we upgrade
to Tiger OSX 10.4.

As our returned Huge System was returned with striping of OSX 10.4 and we have 10.39
I was told to upgrade the OS, I just wanted to know if I was in for a world of pain.


Michael Horton Wrote:
> This will tell you what you need to know
> [www.digidesign.com]
> id=54&itemid=22904
> Depends on what version you are using now.
Re: Upgrade woes to go to tiger?
August 08, 2007 03:46PM
This has been mentioned several time before, but FCP 4.5 works best on 10.3 with Quicktime 6.5.2. Tiger installs QuickTime 7.0 which has caused no end of problems with folks such as you.

I believe FCP 4.5 will work in 10.4 but it takes some sorting out to make it happen well.
Re: Upgrade woes to go to tiger?
August 08, 2007 04:21PM
As this moement I just checked about Quicktime and it says
Quicktime 7.03 (player)

So at this second I have a working OSX10.39, a working Final Cut Pro
and a non-working drive array (as it was striped with 10.4x).

if quicktime 7.03 causes no issues with Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD at this moment;
wouldn't it be logical to guess that Final Cut Pro 4.% HD would work with QT with

Right now getting are formerly working RAID system running is most important
(with Tiger OS upgrade) but actualyy having the Final Cut Pro 4.5HD working wopuld be
a bonus as well....


mark@avolution Wrote:
> Sorry, when I said Pro Tools I meant the Apple
> software that came with the
> G5...Final Cut Pro 4.5HD, DVD Studio Pro 3, and
> Motion 1.1.
> I can assure you we have no such ProTools (as the
> link) we only have the Apple
> and the Apple software.
> What I need to know if the above mentioned
> software will still WORK if we upgrade
> to Tiger OSX 10.4.
> As our returned Huge System was returned with
> striping of OSX 10.4 and we have 10.39
> I was told to upgrade the OS, I just wanted to
> know if I was in for a world of pain.
> Thanks
> Michael Horton Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This will tell you what you need to know
> >
> >
> [www.digidesign.com]
> > id=54&itemid=22904
> >
> > Depends on what version you are using now.
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