HDV print to video on Z1U
August 08, 2007 10:19PM
I was able to do this months ago, but now it's not working. I have a native hdv sequence, 1080i/60 that i want to print back to tape using my Z1U. I've gone through all the settings a zillion times - no luck.

In fact, I can't even see the TL footage on my Z1U lcd screen. urgent, please help.
Re: HDV print to video on Z1U
August 09, 2007 08:30PM
Trash your preferences and try again

Michael Horton
Re: HDV print to video on Z1U
August 10, 2007 01:56AM
Thanks Mike, but I had already trashed prefs, repaird permisssions, rebooted, checked all the Z1U vtr settings and fcp settings. I know for sure it can be done because someone else who had at first failed now was able to get it working. Like I said, I've done it before, but just can't figure out what's wrong now that I can't get it working.

Even on boot, with fw to Z1U in vtr mode, fcp does not recognize the device.
Re: HDV print to video on Z1U
August 10, 2007 12:41PM
Have you unplugged the cam, shut down your mac, wait for 10 minutes. Turn Mac back on, plug cam in making sure it is on and in correct mode, boot up FCP?

Michael Horton
Re: HDV print to video on Z1U
August 10, 2007 04:38PM
Are you in the correct Easy Setup?
Re: HDV print to video on Z1U
August 10, 2007 09:09PM
Yeah - tell us what your easy setup settings are, what your sequence settings are, what your camera says the footage was shot in. Every little bit - did you accidentally choose 50i when you needed 60i, for eg?

I've seen this happen when a. The footage was accidentally shot in DV, not HDV. and b. The easy setup was in DV, not HDV, and heard of it when c. The camera was set to downconvert to DV during capture.

Re: HDV print to video on Z1U - working
August 10, 2007 09:13PM
Finally got it working but can't be sure which thing made the difference because I re-checked and re-set etc etc so many times. I tried to think back re: whether I ever was able to see an image in my lcd before actually recording the other times that I successfully recorded out to hdv. Couldn't remember, but on somes tries couldn't see the image even when recording, so of course it wasn't recording.

Finally on the last try, although I could see the image in preview, it did appear while recording, which it did successfully. So got it working and not sure why.

Now I'll try to remember for next time that it probably will work even when I can't preview even a single frame on the lcd. BTW, I don't have a capture card, so I expected that I wouldn't get real time moving preview, just thought I could get a single frame because I can get that on my NTSC.

Still not sure why I can't see a single frame on the z1U lcd, but I'm happy it records hdv fine.
: )hot smiley
Re: HDV print to video on Z1U
August 10, 2007 10:38PM
See post below - it's working now. The solution happened i think when at one point I made sure that in the av devices window I checked Different output for Edit to Tape/Print to Video, set video for hdv 1440 x 1080 30fps with the audio also set to hdv.

For awhile I thought that must not be correct because i couldn't see a single frame previewed on the Z1U lcd, but then learned that didn't matter, it still recorded to tape and showed up on the lcd - only after I started recording.

So the problem all along may have been making sure the audio was taken out of it's default setting (which it automatically sets) and put that audio setting to hdv in the av devices window.
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