Can I create graphics using Illustrator?

Posted by xavpil 
Can I create graphics using Illustrator?
September 27, 2007 10:47AM
I know that Photoshop works to create layered gfx, but I am not very good at using it.
Illustrator is easier for me.
I tried opening a layered psd file created in Ill. but it wouldn't work.
So I opened the file with Photoshop but like I said my Photoshop and I are not the best friends.

Any tip?
Re: Can I create graphics using Illustrator?
September 28, 2007 03:51AM
Can you create graphics using illustrator? well yes thats what illustrator is for... Not quite sure what your trying to do and if i were you i'd try asking in a photoshop/illustrator forum!!
Re: Can I create graphics using Illustrator?
September 28, 2007 12:02PM
Are you wanting to open an Illustrator file in FCP? Ampede makes a plug-in called LayerLink but the web site seems to be gone. Might find it on Version Tracker.

Or there is this


Michael Horton
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