FCP Rental houses in LA
October 30, 2007 02:03PM
Who else besides the DR Group and CRE?

Anyone know?


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Re: FCP Rental houses in LA
October 30, 2007 03:25PM




There are some suites available too at some post houses. Find them in the lafcpug Talent Directory


Michael Horton
Re: FCP Rental houses in LA
October 30, 2007 03:32PM
Moviola does not rent FCP systems...Avid only. We know because we tried. I am working on a floor in their building right now...and they are pushing Avid.

We need to rent systems and have them located in OUR offices...so going to a post house is out of the question.

I'll check out MacEnthusiasts though...


Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: FCP Rental houses in LA
October 30, 2007 03:36PM
I'm sure there are others out there. Maybe google?

Probably not much money in renting FCP systems but it makes sense for out of towners

Oh, try Hollywood Studio Rentals in Burbank. They used to rent and maybe still do. Tell them you are from lafcpug and they should give you 15% off.

Ask for Robert

818-526-0101 ph

Michael Horton
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