sound import to 25 fps sequence is always out of sync and need rendering!!!

Posted by mj662 
sound import to 25 fps sequence is always out of sync and need rendering!!!
November 06, 2007 09:05PM
Anyone know why an aif sound file from Pro Tools imported to 25 fps sequence is always out of sync and needs rendering? It is like FCP is converting it to another freq. when it is 48k already! I do this all the time with NTSC and 23.98 projects, what is up with the 25 frame seq.??

Thanks, Mark
Re: sound import to 25 fps sequence is always out of sync and need rendering!!!
November 07, 2007 03:46PM
What version of FCP are you using?

Re: sound import to 25 fps sequence is always out of sync and need rendering!!!
November 07, 2007 08:57PM
I have FCPS2 but the problem has been on all recent versions.

Re: sound import to 25 fps sequence is always out of sync and need rendering!!!
November 07, 2007 08:59PM
Can you post a sample of problem media mj? Then we can see if it's your system or a universal thing. I'm PAL here.

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