wonky graphics

Posted by FindonChrispy 
wonky graphics
January 23, 2008 05:58AM
well, not wonky just poor quality.

am using a 2.2.66 dual-core intel with 5gb ram, with fcp51.4 and photoshop cs2 ver 9.0.2.

i have made some nifty title graphics, saved them as png format and brought them into fcp.i desaturated the red i'd used (for it was too bright) and put moving image in the text.

yet the text looks awful both on my canvas screen and my external monitor. have tried a slight blur on it to no avail. yet when unrendered it looks ok on both, only when its rendered does it look rubbish.

If i qt it and open on another machine it looks ok. Is it a graphics card problem? am i doing something wrong? help!
Re: wonky graphics
January 23, 2008 07:56AM
What quality settings do you have on your timeline?

if it looks fine when rendered out then it is fine - as a rule.

Johan Polhem
Motion Graphics
Re: wonky graphics
January 23, 2008 11:13AM
Also, set your timeline window to 100%, i.e. not "fit in window" or some other scaling to be able to evaluate text and graphics.
Re: wonky graphics
January 23, 2008 02:29PM
My timeline settings are set to 'Safe RT', 'Dynamic' on videoplayback and 'full' on the other option. (not at my workstation and can't remember.)

The canvas viewer isnt the issue, its when it is viewed on my pal monitor. When its unrenderd it oks fine, then when rendered looks awful. But only on my machine........
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