how to add fx to "filler"

Posted by michelleVS 
how to add fx to "filler"
February 08, 2008 12:53PM
Hi, this one should be quick.

In Avid, if I have a clip on V1 and nothing on V2 I can add edits to V2 and lay an effect on it and it will affect the clip below it.

how do I do this in FCP 6?

Re: how to add fx to "filler"
February 08, 2008 01:46PM
Ha ha. I knew that you'd be asking an Avid related question as soon as I saw your subject. FCP doesn't work like that. Filters affect their clips only, and you can add multiple filters to any one clip. Perhaps if you tell me specifically what you are trying to accomplish, I can help you with the correct procedure.

Re: how to add fx to "filler"
February 08, 2008 02:28PM
I have a graphic that I'm doing a 'basic motion' adjustment on - basically a push in. I added a widescreen filter to the shot and the letterbox moves with the push in. Of course, I want the letterbox to stay put. I feel like I'm missing something very obvious, one of those 'oh duh!' things and it's driving me nuts. Any suggestions?

Re: how to add fx to "filler"
February 08, 2008 02:30PM
> I have a graphic that I'm doing a 'basic motion' adjustment on - basically a push in. I added a
> widescreen filter to the shot and the letterbox moves with the push in.

Another one of the classics.

We can tell you ways to get around that with the Widescreen Matte filter, but the fact is, the Widescreen Matte filter is actually possibly the worst, least flexible, most troublesome way to achieve a letterbox matte. Read up on the alternatives below -- my favourite one is the "blank Text object" trick:

Re: how to add fx to "filler"
February 08, 2008 02:53PM
actually, I used your method, Derek. I was just sure there was an easier way (like my Avid way). but now that I've made it, I have it, and can use it again. it's all good.

Re: how to add fx to "filler"
February 17, 2008 09:44PM
All hail the power of the search engine! That's a great tip for faking a letterbox - using the color matte and mask shape. I was sure there was a more clever method of doing this that didn't involve building my own mask in Photoshop, and lo and behold, there it was.

Great tip, thank you!

Re: how to add fx to "filler"
February 18, 2008 12:01AM
Nick Meyers has maintained that a Photoshop mask takes less time to render. However, an FCP-created mask is instantly adjustable. Major advantage.
Re: how to add fx to "filler"
February 18, 2008 01:48AM
and if you're even lazier you can find instant letterbox mask generator plugins freely available for download
like here and here
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