an interesting re-linking issue

Posted by tbecherer 
an interesting re-linking issue
February 29, 2008 12:03AM
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm having quite a curious issue with relinking clips in a project. One of my co-workers needed the portable drive that my clips were on so he moved them to the internal fixed drives that we have on our G5 (4x2.5ghz Power PC running OS 10.4.11 and FCP 6.0.2) When I started the project, it said that my media was offline and brought up the reconnect files window. This window will go right to the file in its new location but when I click on it, it removes that clip from the list in the "Files To Connect" window and does not move them down to the "Files Located" window. After I go through locating all of my files, I have empty windows in both "Files To Connect" and "Files Located" and therefore selecting the "connect" button at the bottom right is not an option. Obviously FCP is seeing and recognizing my files but it sure doesn't want to actually reconnect them for some reason. Has anyone else had this issue? And just as important...found a work around for it?

thank you all for your time
Re: an interesting re-linking issue
February 29, 2008 04:15PM
Strange. You've confirmed that the clips in question are still offline in your browser?

- Loren
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Re: an interesting re-linking issue
March 01, 2008 10:09AM
Hi Loren,

Yeah, they are all offline in my browser and in he timeline as well.
Re: an interesting re-linking issue
April 05, 2008 01:52AM
Hi there, having an identical problem here. Any joy on it?
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