FCP6 Render All notice

Posted by Tom Wolsky 
FCP6 Render All notice
April 07, 2008 07:18PM

Interesting recommendation.

All the best,

Re: FCP6 Render All notice
April 07, 2008 08:34PM
Ha. I knew it. I've been saying that for ages. Sometimes even things like dissolves at the head of a clip don't get rendered properly without it. I leave mine to full render at all times.

Re: FCP6 Render All notice
April 07, 2008 11:36PM
Can't trust RT for timing accuracy either. I had three matched lengths of DV50 in a timeline, 3 separate tracks. After color correction, we got greenline RT bars. Events on one track didn't match the same events on another track until we rendered everything. Annoying.

This was FCP6 on an quadcore.

- Loren
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Re: FCP6 Render All notice
April 08, 2008 11:54AM
Although the article specifies FCP 6, is there any reason to think it doesn't apply to FCP 5 as well?

I'm with Jude, no reason to leave anything to doubt.

Re: FCP6 Render All notice
April 08, 2008 11:58AM
I asked about that to see if the KB should be updated. I don't see why it wouldn't apply to any version of Final Cut.
Re: FCP6 Render All notice
April 08, 2008 03:38PM
Yep is is for FCP 5 also- not sure about FCP4

I saw it on a training video - maybe on Larry Jordon video - -Jay--
Re: FCP6 Render All notice
April 08, 2008 05:33PM
the article seems to only be about viewing in the CANVAS,

but i've seen discrepancies on external monitors,

and there's no way i would lay out to tape without rendering everything including the "full" quality clips.

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