Lens effect and Alpha

Posted by mark@avolution 
Lens effect and Alpha
April 30, 2008 03:42PM
Is there a way to set up a lens effect inn FCP so it honours the alpha channel
if it is used as an overlay over video.

It seems that as FCP/effects/render/lens effect, it is a free standing full screen effect
and I was hoping it could be used as an overlay.

I might be missing something
Re: Lens effect and Alpha
April 30, 2008 05:27PM
The Generator does not seem to have an alpha channel. Did you try changing your composite mode to screen?

Re: Lens effect and Alpha
April 30, 2008 05:40PM
Not sure what you are asking here..."lens effect"?...you mean Lens Flare effect with an alpha? Knoll has a handy dandy plug-in called "Unmult". You put a lens flare on a black solid and drop Unmult on it - it "un-multiplies" the lens flare from the background and established an Alpha Channel.

CON: I am not sure if it's for FCP

Check it out for yourself:


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Lens effect and Alpha
April 30, 2008 09:31PM
Also try this -- NEST what you want the lens flare on -- then apply the lens flare - Knoll Light Factory does this beautifully in FCP -- also in After Effects without the Unmult -- the QUICKTIME lens flare is fairly limited and doesn't seem to work that well - if you do a lot of this Knoll Light Factory is the best - Andy
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