Automatic project file backup

Posted by CaseyPetersen 
Automatic project file backup
June 24, 2008 10:33AM
I'm wondering if there's a way with Mac OSX Tiger to automatically backup the project files to another drive. The thinking is that we can't afford to to a RAID at this time, and if worse comes to worst, we could simply recapture footage as long as the project file is safe (and has the reel names set properly).

I was told about "Time Machine" for OSX Leopard which does the same thing, but I'm looking for something that runs under Tiger.


Casey Petersen
Re: Automatic project file backup
June 24, 2008 10:40AM
Just set your auto-save location to the remote drive. This will do what you want, at intervals set by you, and keep as many copies as you ask it to.

Re: Automatic project file backup
June 24, 2008 10:45AM
Awesome!!! Thanks!!!

Re: Automatic project file backup
June 24, 2008 10:59AM
Don't rely only on Autosave, though. It can fail without any sign whatsoever, and you'll only find out when you actually need it. Supplement Autosave with periodic (I do it every two to three hours) manual backups with date/time stamps.
Re: Automatic project file backup
June 24, 2008 12:53PM
if you have managed your files properly you can just drag that folder to a second drive and go to lunch.
Re: Automatic project file backup
June 24, 2008 03:33PM
One thing I do is this-
I used Automator to make a simple copy file program- you can make it copy your project file to wherever. Then, you can make recurring events in iCal to run that script. (I actually use a program called Awaken, but iCal can do it too).
I currently back up some key folders like preferences and Motion templates using this.
Re: Automatic project file backup
June 24, 2008 09:44PM
Using folder actions you can create an Automator action that copies the contents of your project folder to a USB Key whenever it is inserted. It's great for shoving a key in at lunch or at the end of the day or whenever you feel like it. Automator can even date and time stamp the folder so you've got copies galore if you have to go back.
Fool around with Automator, it's fun and not that hard to figure out.

Sleeplings, AWAKE!
Re: Automatic project file backup
June 25, 2008 01:53PM
What do you think of using Carbon Copy Cloner for this task?

jamesnw Wrote:
> One thing I do is this-
> I used Automator to make a simple copy file
> program- you can make it copy your project file to
> wherever. Then, you can make recurring events in
> iCal to run that script. (I actually use a program
> called Awaken, but iCal can do it too).
> I currently back up some key folders like
> preferences and Motion templates using this.
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