Unwanted De-Interlacing
September 19, 2008 05:13PM
My provided clips from the locked cut are H264 (I know it's not good for editing, not my choice though) 29.97 fps NTSC. Original footage is at 24, and my clips have visible interlacing and frame blending as a result of the frame rate conversion.
We are doing a similar frame rate conversion in house to our shots, with the same interlaced blended frames. When I bring clips into my timeline, I can still see this blending, but when i export it is removed and I'm left with a pull down resulting in a held frame every 4.
How can I stop this from happening? I need to deliver DVCPro NTSC 29.97 interlaced quicktimes.
Any thoughts?
Re: Unwanted De-Interlacing
September 19, 2008 05:22PM
4:5 conversion is what Final Cut does when it sees a 23.98 frame clip applied to a 29.97 timeline.

<<<We are doing a similar frame rate conversion in house to our shots>>>

And how are you doing that?

Re: Unwanted De-Interlacing
September 19, 2008 05:29PM
Compositors using Digital Fusion to output a 29.97 quicktime from their 24 frame image sequence
Re: Unwanted De-Interlacing
September 19, 2008 05:30PM
And all clips and sequence are set to 29.97.
You say this is what Final Cut does, is it an option? Can I tell it to do something else?
Re: Unwanted De-Interlacing
September 19, 2008 05:36PM
Me again, looks like I'm getting a 2:2:2:4 pulldown
Re: Unwanted De-Interlacing
September 19, 2008 05:42PM
So exporting using quicktime conversion and using 'none' compression left my interlaced blended frames intact.
Exporting that to my required DVCPro went back to the pulldown.
Is this an inherent trait with DVCPro?
Re: Unwanted De-Interlacing
September 20, 2008 05:03PM
<<<Is this an inherent trait with DVCPro?>>>

This is where somebody else drops in and straightens this all out. I have no idea. I do know when you start crossing formats that inherently support "television fields" with those that don't, some very entertaining things happen in pulldown land. 3:2 pulldown is only supported in the interlaced formats.

That's complicated enough, but what happens to a show like mine which is 720p60 when I convert it to NTSC? This HiDef format clearly has enough video to go around, sixty complete frames every second, but also clearly, is not interlaced...

Re: Unwanted De-Interlacing
September 21, 2008 12:39AM
if you've not done so already check page 1415 of the PDF copy of your FCP manual


The Pulldown Pattern pop-up menu is available in the Playback Control tab of the System Settings window
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