Rendering problem

Posted by Delphinus 
Rendering problem
September 19, 2008 09:31PM
One of my editors, working at home, is on FCP4.5HD and when laying a 10-second matte on V1, no red render line appears and the play cursor stutters over the clip. Any ideas what the problem might be? Rendering effects is fine ... just the matte. Thanks. He is on 10.4.11 with planty of memory and a fire wire drive is designated.
Re: Rendering problem
September 20, 2008 09:57AM
i've had times when for no apparent reason a clip just wont play well

moving it to another drive has helped,
even moving away and then back!
as if it was on a fragmented part of the drive or something.

this is going back aways, maybe OS9 days??
and my files were video, so more chance of being fragmented.

anyway, it's only 10 seconds, so maybe your guy should just render it and move on.
i'm guessing it's a "Full" quality render?
to be able to render thsoe when you want to, go to Sequnce Menu > Render Slection, and tick the grey "Full" setting.
now you can select the matte section and render.

Re: Rendering problem
September 20, 2008 10:46PM
The problem wit this suggestion is that when my editor brings in a matte, there is no immediate red line to render ... at all. There should be one. Why would he not get the red line render indicator when bringing in the matte to the timeline?
Re: Rendering problem
September 20, 2008 11:29PM
should there be?

maybe FCP can cope with that effect in RT?
what colour render line is there?
or is there no render line at all?

in which case FCP is acting weird, and it's time to trash preferences.

Re: Rendering problem
September 20, 2008 11:38PM
No color comes up at all. I already had him dump the fcp plist and the entire Final Cut Pro User Data folder, restart the computer and, still, no color line above the matte when brought into the timeline.
Re: Rendering problem
September 21, 2008 12:00AM
Is it the exact same matte? Exact same timeline? Exact same user account on the computer?
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