New MBPs: VGA to S-video signal?

Posted by John K 
New MBPs: VGA to S-video signal?
October 28, 2008 01:55PM
We've been trying to figure out a solution for getting an analog video signal out of the new MacBookPros. The old DVI>S-video connector doesn't work with the new DisplayPort>DVI adapter (it's DVI-I and the new one is DVI-D). They sell VGA to S-Video converter cables (which would hook up to the DisplayPort>VGA adapter), was wondering if anyone had ever gone VGA to composite video and how bad the results looked...


SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
Re: New MBPs: VGA to S-video signal?
October 28, 2008 03:09PM
You don't monitor video via DVI-S-Video, you connect your FireWire device (deck, camcorder or DV Adapter Unit, like the Canopus) to the Mac Via FireWire and your S-Video from that to the Video Monitor.

That is how we all do it.

Kevin Monahan
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Re: New MBPs: VGA to S-video signal?
October 28, 2008 03:27PM

Thanks for your reply; I'm already familiar with the FW to analog video workflow but this is not for standard video preview to an NTSC monitor.

We have a very specific setup during a live video event that we need analog video for, and if we can avoid one more *powered* device on a table already covered in gear that would be ideal. We have laptops connected to a switcher via S-video (the older G4 models with dedicated S-Video ports) with both machines using extended desktop. For what we're doing, Cinema Desktop Preview in FCP works fine for displaying our DV timeline out to the projector. And the 2nd laptop has to run Powerpoint in presentation mode, which requires an analog video out (and does not work with FW as far as I know).

Other users have chimed in on their need for DisplayPort to analog solutions for hooking into switchers (like VJs) so there's clearly a need for an S-Video/RCA DisplayPort adapter...

SCQT! Self-contained QuickTime ? pass it on!
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